Chapter 13

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Dario released me and everything was fuzzy. I heard Blair and Zoey freaking out and screaming behind me. My vision cleared and I was looking up at Dario, blood covered his mouth and his eyes weren't shining anymore.

"Holy Shit, I'm so sorry," He said.

My brain started to clear and I realized what happened. I screamed and crawled back away from him.

"Dario! What the hell have you done?" I looked up to see Elridge standing over us. He looked between me and Dario then figured out what happened. "Dario, clean yourself up and get to class. Now."

Dario stood up looking freaked out and walked away. I watched him go. He just bit me. He drank my blood.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Zoey asked.

Elridge ignored her and looked down at me. "Can you stand?"

I nodded and shakily got to my feet. Blair and Zoey quickly got on both sides of me to help me up.

"She's still bleeding," Blair said.

"I know, she'll be fine. Come with me," Elridge said starting down the hallway and we quickly walked after him. Blair and Zoey had a hold of my arms helping me walk. I still felt really dizzy.

Elridge led us up two flights of stairs and down another long hallway. We finally came to two double doors. Elridge snapped his fingers and the doors opened. Wait what? What the hell was that?

We walked into a big office. There were bookshelves on one side and weird looking artifacts on the other. His desk was at the end in front of a window that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. Two chairs sat across from the desk.

"Sit," Elridge said pointing to me and I obeyed. Blair sat next to me and Zoey stood behind us.

Elridge picked up a bandage and came over to me. He gently brushed my hair off of my neck to put it over where I had been bit. "Fang wounds usually heal pretty quickly, but obviously you'll want to keep this covered so people don't get suspicious," He said.

"So, what the hell happened?" Zoey asked.

"Well, obviously she was bit by a vampire," Elridge said way too casually while sitting down at his desk.

"No shit. But, wait, that was real?"

"Yes," Elridge took a deep breath. "Gemstone Academy is split into two classes. There's the class full of royal mortals, or at least wealthy mortals, known as the Ruby Class."

I chuckled to myself. Now I knew why Dario called me Ruby. The other guy with the red eyes did too, he must also be in the other class.

"The other class, is known as the Diamond class. This class is held at night and full of mythical creatures."

"Vampires?" Blair asked.

Elridge nodded. "And mermaids, fairies, pixies-"

"Mermaids? What? How?" Blair asked interrupting him. "Is there an aquarium in this school too?"

"They live in the lake. They have legs when they get on land."

"Okay what else?" I asked.

"Werewolves, witches, and demons."

"Demons?" Zoey asked horrified.

"They're not actually creatures from hell. That's just a myth."

I'm pretty sure all of these creatures were supposed to be myths.

"What next? Giants?" Blair scoffed.

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