Chapter 18

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I woke up at noon on Friday to find Zoey sitting on her bed. What was she still doing here? I know that she has to have been up for a while. I was the only one who slept until the afternoon. Although, I noticed that her and Blair refused to leave me alone since I was targeted by the witches. They seemed to think they'd target me again if I were ever by myself. Which is why I didn't tell Lazarus what happened, because I knew he wouldn't let me out of his sight either. Also, he would probably say "I told you so," because he didn't want me sneaking out at night in the first place. And I would do anything to get away from hearing the phrase "I told you so."

"Where's Blair?" I asked sitting up and stretching.

"Probably at lunch," Zoey said. "Speaking of lunch, do you wanna eat? Because I'm starving."

Did she seriously skip breakfast to watch me? Probably.

"Sure. Let me change quick."

I threw on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt before following Zoey downstairs. Since it was Friday and we don't have any classes, a lot of students just spent their time wandering around the halls socializing.

Blair and Chris were already sitting in the dining room. On the tables were different kinds of sandwiches and fruits. I sat down and picked up a turkey sandwich. It wasn't my favorite, but the peanut butter here was gross.

"How are you today?" Blair asked me.

"Good, you?" I asked taking a bite out of my sandwich. Bleh. Now I really wished they had good peanut butter here.

"I'm alright," Blair answered.

A loud clatter came from across the dining room and then there was shouting. Everyone looked up to see what happened. One guy had a hold of another guy by his shirt, and that guy was trying to get the other guy off of him.

"Fight!" Someone yelled.

Everyone at my table got up to get a better look. While they were distracted, I snuck out of the dining room. I wasn't interested in some silly fight between two guys. It was probably over something stupid like the one guy kissed the other guy's girlfriend, and was pissed at him even though it was probably the girls fault because she was a slut or something. Anyway, I wasn't interested. The good thing about the fight was it gave me a great opportunity to sneak away from my friends and be free for a while.

I headed for the library deciding I wanted a new book to read. When I got to the doorway I shoved the rest of my not-so-good turkey sandwich into my mouth because I wasn't allowed to take food into the library. There were only two other students in here, and they were huddled together over a large text book. Nerds.

I headed over to the bookshelves when Dario snuck up behind me. "Hey!" He yelled in my ear making me jump about 50 feet into the air.

"What the hell!? Where did you come from and why the fuck did you scare me?" I asked.

"The door, and because it was funny."

"Well, I didn't hear you, and I didn't think it was funny at all."

"Of course not. I'm a vampire, and you have no sense of humor."

"Yeah I know. What are you doing out during the day anyway?" I asked scanning the book shelves.

"I wanted to see you, Eliza."

"Really?" I asked turning to him. "And don't call me that. My name's Elizabeth."

"Yeah, it's been awhile. What are you doing in the library during the day?"

I couldn't help but be happy that he wanted to see me. I walked into another aisle and Dario followed me. "I was getting away from my friends. They won't leave me alone because they're afraid I'll be targeted again. And I wanted a book to read."

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