Chapter 23

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Sunday night in my room, my room mates, Faye, and I were doing our homework, and it was all due tomorrow. Apparently, I was a bad influence on my friends because they never used to procrastinate on their homework, until now. I don't think I could take all the credit though, it was later in the year and it wasn't unusual for teenagers to stop being motivated about doing homework. I think it has to do with Spring Fever.

"Faye, what are you doing today?" Zoey asked.

Faye looked up from her tiny fairy textbook. "History of Fairies paper. I have to write about the history of Fairy Fashion."

"Well. That's way more interesting than this bullshit etiquette assignment," Blair said gesturing to her paper. "We have to write an essay about a piece of furniture and what it means in different cultures."

"Oh," Faye said wrinkling her tiny nose. "Is that what you're doing? Or rather, not doing?" She asked me while pointing at my blank piece of paper.

"Yep," I said. "I'm trying to figure out how bad my overall grade would be if I just vetoed this assignment."

Faye chuckled then fluttered over to Zoey and sat on her head. "What are you doing, Zo?"

"A research assignment on past rulers of my country and how money affected them," Zoey said.

"Gross. I'm glad I'm a fairy," Faye said flying back over to my bed. Yeah, at this point I kind of wished I was a fairy. I mean, writing a paper about fashion was way more interesting than writing a paper about a piece of furniture.

"Has there been any news on the witches?" Blair asked.

"Not that I've heard," Faye said. "I'm so sorry, I know how irritated you must be. I know you guys want Lilia to wake up safe and sound."

"It's okay," I said, even though it really wasn't okay. Lilia was dying after all. "It's not like it's your fault."

I couldn't help but wonder what Dario was doing this very moment. Was he looking for the witches and wizards? Or was he talking to Elridge? Or was he actually in class? I just wanted to see him.

"Oh fudge!" Faye said. "I need a book from the library in my hallway and I have to turn in this assignment tomorrow!"

"Well let's just go get it then," I said standing up.

"I don't think we can. You're not allowed to go out at night."

"Yeah, but, I'll be with you. And don't you need this book for school? It's important isn't it?"

"Well yes but-"

"So then let's go! We won't be out long. It's only eight, it's really not even dark yet. So technically we won't be going out at night."

"That's true. Okay fine, but we're only going to be gone for about 15 minutes," Faye said flying over to the door.

"Whatever. It doesn't really matter to me."

"Be careful!" Zoey called out after us.

Faye and I went out into the hall then downstairs. The sun was just starting to set, casting an orange glow through the windows.

There were a few students still mingling around but not many. I assumed people were either in their rooms or in the courtyards because it was actually decent outside today and you wouldn't get frostbite by just walking outside.

We got to the entrance hall where the entrance to the Diamond Class hall was, and Faye stopped flying abruptly. "Oh shoot!" She said landing on my shoulder. "You're not allowed down there."

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