Chapter 7

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Lazarus called Professor Natasha Lordsbee a character. I think what he meant to say is Professor Natasha Lordsbee is a bitch. And now I knew why he said her first name too, because that's how she referred to herself.

"I am Professor Natasha Lordsbee and etiquette is everything!" Professor Natasha Lordsbee said in a loud high pitched voice as soon as class started. And that was when my hatred for her had begun. I hated everything about her, from her big blonde head down to her red painted nails and pudgy toes that matched the rest of her.

All Professor Natasha Lordsbee seemed to talk about was etiquette as she paraded around the classroom, which was set up like a small ballroom with round tables and a mini dance floor. I know etiquette was her class but my goodness it was annoying. Etiquette this and etiquette that! And "what is life without etiquette? An absolute mess!" Here's a better question: WHO CARES?!

The main things Professor Natasha Lordsbee would be teaching us was manners, party planning, and cultures. Because the first rule of etiquette is you can't be polite unless you know someone's culture. Being on time is also the first rule of etiquette. It seemed like every rule was the first rule of etiquette. Ugh. Between math and this stupid class I had a feeling it was going to be a lllooonng year.

It turned out that Tuesdays weren't much better. I had English in the morning with Professor Charlene. She seemed to be a nice enough lady, but no one could make English an enjoyable class. To me it just seemed like the same thing over and over again every year.

Actually, not everyone had to take English. You had to take your first spoken language. For example, if your first language was Spanish, then you'd take that instead of English. Professor Charlene taught a lot of the language classes, not all of them, but most of them. Which is honestly amazing, being able to speak all of those languages is a very useful and impressive skill.

After lunch, I had War Strategies with Professor Mags. I didn't know if Mags was her last name or her nickname. I guess it didn't matter. It turned out she was an old war general. Her blonde hair was pinned back and her figure could rival Zoey's in the woman muscle department. I could tell there would be way too much thinking involved in this class. I hated doing war strategies with my parents. Now I have a class to do it in? Where I would be graded on it? Yay. I had to keep reminding myself that I would need to know this stuff if I wanted to be queen one day.

On Wednesday, my morning started with Biology with Professor Stile. Honestly, the dude creeped me out a bit. He was shaggy and unkept and muttered under his breath a lot. At least he wasn't mean.

Then there was Global Studies with Professor Pats. He was an elderly man going bald. He had kind eyes which were covered by glasses. In this class, we would learn about current events happening all over the world. Yippee. Although, every ruler needs to know what's going on in the world around them.

Thursday, I had Political Science in the morning where we would be studying different forms of government with Professor Schultz. He was a large man with a big booming voice. He was intimidating, but not really.

The most interesting class of all was what I had Thursday afternoon: How to Run a Country. The room was a large lecture hall and I was sitting in between Blair and Lilia. The blackboard at the front of the room covered the entire wall. And in the entire room there was only one poster, which was placed behind the Professor's desk. And it was just a picture of the school's emblem.

"I've been looking forward to this class the most!" Lilia said enthusiastically bouncing up and down in her chair.

"You've said that about literally every class we've had!" Blair said exasperated.

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