Chapter 4

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One week later I had a one giant suitcase packed and a backpack stuffed full of odds and ends I thought I would need to take to school. Things like pens, pencils, folders, papers, binders, and a planner I probably would never use. Gemstone Academy's website said they didn't require uniforms, thank goodness, I would have cried if I had to wear the same thing every day, so I had plenty of clothes packed. I practically had my whole wardrobe stuffed in my suitecase, minus the ballgowns and other fancy clothes because that seemed unnecessary for school. I also had a few of my favorite books packed for when I had free time. I knew there would be a library though, so I didn't need to bring that many books, just my favorites.

I sat on my bed staring at my phone. I had my text messages for Lazarus open because I still hadn't told him I was going to school. I wasn't exactly sure what to say. I typed out a text saying I would be attending Gemstone Academy and would tell him the details why the next time I saw him. I also told him when my Christmas break would be so we could sort all of that out as well. Shortly after I pressed send, Grey came into my room.

"Time to go, Princess," Grey said. Two more butlers came in after him to grab my suitcase and my backpack.

I got up and followed Grey out of my room. "Grey, will you miss me when I'm at school?"

"No," He said bluntly.

"You're the worst butler ever," I said.

"I know," Grey said with laughter in his eyes that made me smile. I was going to miss him too while I was gone.

My parents, James, and Tori stood in the entrance way. I walked up to my parents and the butlers took my things out to the limo.

"The limo will take you to the airport and then when you land in Mutualan, another limo will take you to Gemstone Academy," My father said.

"Sounds good," I said.

"Oh dear, we will miss you," my mother said hugging me. Oh really?? Then why you sending me away woman?? It's not like any of this was MY idea. Honestly, parents made no sense sometimes.

"Bye, Elizabeth," My Father said hugging me next.

When my father let go of me Tori ran up and hugged me. "Will you buy me something from Mutualan if you get the chance?"

"We will see," I said escaping from her vice grip. I'm not sure why she thought I'd have any time to go anywhere to buy her anything. I don't think the students were allowed to leave the school grounds, but hey, who was I to make Tori upset right now?

James was the last person to approach me. "Good luck," He said reaching out to shake my hand.

"You too," I said taking his hand and gripping it tightly. I knew neither of us were going to back down from this challenge. We both wanted the crown, and we were both going to go after it.

"We have to go, Princess," The limo driver said to me.

I said one last goodbye to my family and got in the limo. I looked out of the back window until I could no longer see my castle.


About six hours later I was sitting in another limo. The limo driver was a big black bald guy named Steve. Steve said the school was about an hour and a half away from the airport. What Steve didn't tell me was that it was apparently located in butt fuck nowhere. We have been driving for about an hour now and all I could see were trees, trees, and more trees. And an occasional deer or squirrel.

"Is this school invisible or something? All I see is trees," I said.

The limo driver chuckled. "You'll be able to see it soon, Princess. I promise it'll be worth it."

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