Chapter 10

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There were already rumors going around about Eva. Obviously, her roommates knew she never came back last night so they went to Headmaster Krail. Apparently, he told them that she was found passed out last night and still hasn't woken up. And the doctor wasn't saying anything. Eva was moved to the hospital on our side of the castle so people could visit her. Although, I'm sure she wasn't much company. Zoey had told me and my roommates all of this at lunch. Zoey always seemed to know everything.

Now Blair, Lilia, and I were sitting in the courtyard under a tree. Lilia was doing her homework and Blair was blabbing at her. It was a good thing Lilia seemed to be good at multitasking. I was reading a book called Midnight Empire that I got from the library. I had actually gone there during the day today. It was weird to be honest. The library was so much more cheerful during the day. The librarian, Mrs. Pollock, was actually a very nice lady. It made me feel bad about sneaking into the library at night, but only a little.

"Okay, I'm hungry, I think it's about time for dinner," Blair said standing up and stretching.

"Sounds good to me," Lilia said gathering her homework and also getting up. "Elizabeth, are you coming with us?"

"I'll catch up in a few minutes, I want to finish this chapter first."

"Whatever," Blair said walking away with Lilia following her.

"Hey," Someone said behind me making me jump. I whipped around to see Dario standing over me.

"Where the hell did you come from?!" I asked still trying to calm down.

"From over there," He said pointing to one of the doors leading out here.

"I didn't even hear you walk over here."

"I'm sneaky," He said sitting down next to me.

"Oh. So, what did Elridge say about Eva?"

"Nothing. All he said was the doctors would run tests on her to see what happened. My guess is they have no idea what happened to her."

"Ugh. So, you think she just randomly screamed and then passed out?"

Dario shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know, do people normally just scream before they pass out?"

"No clue. I've never passed out before," I said.

"Me either," Dario said picking a piece of fuzz off of his jeans.

"Why did you call Elridge Headmaster?" I blurted. I don't know what had made me think of that, but it was something bugging me for some reason.

Dario looked over at me in surprise. "What?"

"Last night, you called Elridge Headmaster, even though he isn't actually the headmaster, why?"

"Well, Assistant Headmaster is a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but isn't that disrespectful to the actual headmaster?"

"Nah," Dario said waving me off. "That guy's pretty relaxed."

"I'm gonna go eat now," I said standing up. "Do you want to come with me?" Having him meet my friends might be interesting.

"Nah, I'm not hungry," Dario said.

A guy that wasn't hungry? Was that even a real thing?

"Suit yourself," I said walking away. I got to the door that lead inside and turned back to look at Dario. But he was already gone. He really was a sneaky little bastard.


I haven't seen Dario since that day in the courtyard. I never saw him at mealtimes, or in the hallways, or anywhere. I really didn't want to keep pushing my luck by sneaking out at night. Especially since Elridge had seen me the night Eva passed out. I saw Elridge about two days ago at lunch and I could've sworn he was judging me when he looked over and caught me looking at him.

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