Chapter 5

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Blair, Lilia, and I followed Zoey out of our room. I noticed that there was no way all of the students roomed in this hallway. It wasn't big enough and there were definitely not enough rooms in this one hallway.

"Where do the rest of the students stay?" I asked Zoey.

"The second years are in the hallway across from ours. The third and fourth years are one floor up," Zoey said starting to head downstairs. Once we got back to the entrance way, she turned back to us. "I'm going to go catch up with some friends from last year. I'll see you later, newbies."

I watched as Zoey ran and wrapped her arms around some guy. The guy lifted her up off the ground and spun her in a circle. Aw. That was cute.

I turned to Blair and Lilia. "What now?" I asked.

"We go sit down in the dining room. Duh," Blair said.

"Oh! Good idea!" Lilia said heading into the dining room.

"She doesn't have a clue in her head, does she?" Blair said watching Lilia run off to one of the tables.

"I think she's sweet," I said.

Blair rolled her eyes, but followed Lilia into the dining room anyway. I went to follow her and ran right into some guy.

"Hey! Watch it Ruby!" The guy said irritated.

"Oh, I'm so-" I stopped mid-sentence when I got a look at this guy. He had bright red eyes. Who has red eyes? Were they contacts? I don't know, they looked pretty real. "Sorry," I finally finished.

The guy cocked his head at me. "Are you-?"

"Argento! Get your ass over here!" Someone yelled. I looked up to see Assistant Headmaster Elridge across the hall.

Argento turned pale. If that was even possible, he was already ghostly white, and his short black hair didn't help that any. "Bye, Ruby," He said walking towards Elridge. Elridge locked eyes with me and my heart fluttered. I had to look away to keep from blushing. Damn it, Elizabeth! He was 30! Not to mention my assistant headmaster! Him and Argento walked away into the crowd and I could no longer see them.

I kept picturing that guys red eyes when I walked into the dining room. I kept trying to tell myself that they were fake, and that they had to be contacts, but they looked so real. Although, Elridge's eyes were gold, that wasn't natural either, but they were less frightening than red.

I found Blair, Lilia, Zoey, and that guy I saw her hugging earlier. I decided to go sit next to Lilia. Blair, Zoey and that guy were sitting across from us. Food was on the middle of the table, but no one else was eating, so I didn't touch it, even though I was really hungry and really wanted that food.

"Hey, Elizabeth, this is my good friend Chris. I met him here last year in my first class," Zoey said. "We've been friends ever since.

"Nice to meet you," I said. Chris had black hair and soft brown eyes. He was about Zoey's height, and had his ears and nose pierced. I could see why he was friends with Zoey. If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were siblings.

"Nice to meet you too," Chris said.

"Damn, who's that guy?" Blair asked pointing to someone over my shoulder. "He's one fine specimen."

"Oh, that's just the hottest guy in this damn place," Zoey said and Lilia and I turned to see who they were talking about. I saw a guy with a girl clutching his arm. "He's a third year and his name is-"

"Lazarus!!" I finished for her. I gaped at him. What was he doing here? He went to school here?? This was his school for rich kids who had nothing better to do? And who the hell was the bitch?

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