Chapter 17

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"What the hell, Victoria, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I go to school here, I'm a witch," Victoria said simply.

"A witch? Since when?"

"Since always," Victoria looked around the room and so did I. Everyone was staring at us. "We will talk later."

"Okay, who are the rest of you?" I asked. After the words came out of my mouth, I realized how rude it sounded. I couldn't bring myself to care at the moment.

Sapphire crossed her arms. "You already know me, so who are you?"

"This is Elizabeth, Zoey, and Blair. Now just tell them who you are, and what you are, so we can move on," Dario said.

"Yeah, so what are you? You seem like a demon to me," Blair said to Sapphire with a salty voice.

"That's offensive," Two male voices said at the same time. I looked up to see the guy with the red eyes I saw on the first day I came to Gemstone Academy. Well, one of them was that guy. I wasn't sure which one because they both looked exactly the same. I was trying to find a difference between the two, but there literally was none.

"Hey, I met you," I said. "At least I met one of you."

"That would be me, I'm Argento," The one on the right said.

"And I'm Alessandro," The one on the left said.

"And we're demons," They both said at the same time. I couldn't decide if the talking at the same time thing was cool or just plain creepy. For now, I'd have to say it was both cool and creepy.

"I'm offended that you would even suggest that I was a creepy demon," Sapphire said. "I sure as hell don't look like one. I actually have color to my skin."

"Shut up, fish," Alessandro said.

"Fish?" Zoey said.

"Oh, for fucks sake! I'm a mermaid! Didn't the hair give you idiots a clue?"

"Clearly not," Another guy said. This guy had spiky blonde hair and tan skin. "I mean, Victoria always has colored hair and she's a witch. Even some humans have hair that looks like yours. It's called hair dye. And I'm Magius, I'm a wizard."

"Cool, nice to meet you," Zoey said.

"My name's Faye," A tiny girl with a round sweet face said fluttering in my face. Her yellow hair was tucked behind her ears. "I'm a fairy."

"And I'm Felicity," Another small girl with a thin pointed face and red hair said. She landed on Dario's shoulder. "I'm a Pixie."

"My name's Humphrey, and I'm a werewolf," Said a guy who was standing in the back corner. He had long shaggy brown hair that fell just past his shoulders. It was lighter than his very pretty dark brown eyes.

"And I'm Adrijana. I'm also a vampire," The final girl in the room said. This girl was stunningly beautiful. The was thin and pale but in a good way. She had long black hair and extremely bright green eyes.

Adrijana opened her mouth so I could see her fangs. I didn't think the fangs were necessary. I believed her when she said she was a vampire. She didn't have to prove it. "Are you Elizabeth Huntress?" She asked.


She smiled. "Your blood is quite amazing I hear."

"What?" I said looking at Dario. Did he tell her he bit me? Would he actually tell people something like that?

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