Chapter 6

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The next morning, I was the last one in my room who woke up. The other girls were already almost ready for breakfast and I had just started to put on my makeup at the vanity we all had to share located at the end of the room.

I kept thinking about Lazarus and the kid with the red eyes. Why did that kid have red eyes? Why was Lazarus acting so weird? I didn't like it and I was not looking forward to starting school today. Not with all I had on my mind. I didn't want to have to add schoolwork to it.

When I was finally ready for the day, I followed Lilia and Blair out of the room to go to breakfast and Zoey was walking next to me. Lilia was chattering excitedly to Blair and Blair would either acknowledge her with a nod or roll her eyes. It kind of irked me how rude Blair was being to Lilia, because Lilia was such a sweetheart.

"Are you nervous?" Zoey asked me.

I shrugged. "A little."

"Don't be. It's just stupid school. The worst thing that can happen is you fail a class. If you keep quiet and to yourself, then you can't even end up in an embarrassing situation! So, you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Zoey," I said.

"No problem."

I smiled and shook my head at Zoey's somewhat ridiculous advice. The worst thing I could do was fail? I don't know, that seemed pretty bad to me. And as for embarrassing myself, well, I rather not even think about that. I'll have to take Zoey's advice on that one and keep to myself.

When we got down to the dining room we sat at the same table we did last night. Chris was already there waiting for us. After I sat down I spotted Lazarus coming in. He just looked at me and then went to go sit at a table with a group of guys.

I sighed and turned my attention to the food that was placed on the table. There were pancakes, bacon, muffins, bagels, and different juices, but I wasn't hungry, so I didn't touch anything.

I watched as everyone at my table ate until a woman came by holding different pieces of paper. She handed one to Zoey and Chris. "Are you two actually going to go to classes this year?" The woman asked.

"Maybe," Zoey said.

"If I'm not busy," Chris said. 

The woman shook her head and turned to me. "What's your name, dear?"

"Elizabeth Huntress," I said.

The woman flipped through the papers before handing me my schedule. I examined it as the woman gave Lilia and Blair their schedules as well.

8:15-11:15: Math
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:15-3:15: Etiquette

8:15-11:15:  English
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:15-3:15: War Strategies

8:15-11:15: Science
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:15-3:15: Global Studies

8:15-11:15: Political Science
11:30-12:00: Lunch
12:15-3:15: How to Run A Country

There weren't any classes Fridays and I only have two classes a day. That's pretty awesome. The downside was they were each three hours long, which kind of sucks. I'm not sure if I'd be able to pay attention for that long. Then again, sometimes meetings were that long, and if I was going to be queen, then I'd have to get used to it. I guess it's best to start now. Maybe this school really did know what they were doing.

What also sucked is my first class today was math. Someone shoot me. Who made these schedules? Starting my week with math? That's just rude. 

"What do you have?" Lilia asked me excitedly. I handed her my schedule to look at. Blair looked at it over her shoulder.

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