Chapter 24

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I didn't open my eyes right away when I woke up. Mostly because I was afraid of what I might see. I could tell by the air and the light breeze that I was outside. I could also tell that I was tied to a tree, based on how my back was being scratched and the feeling of rope around my arms.

I finally opened my eyes and it took a minute for them to adjust. There were about ten people in cloaks standing in a half circle around me. I couldn't see any of their faces because they were hooded.

"So, it's her then?" A male voice asked.

"Of course it's her!" A female voice snapped. "She wouldn't be awake if she were anyone else!"

"Yes, it's definitely her, the famous Elizabeth Huntress," Another woman said. This woman stepped forward from the group so she was standing right in front of me. "The one with the pure blood."

"Pure blood?" I asked. She made it sound like I was a vampire.

The moonlight was just right so I could see the woman smile under her hood. "Yes, my dear, you don't even realize how pure your blood is, do you?"

"No," I said my voice shaking. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I didn't think so. Everyone insisted you should be kept in the dark about it."

"Should we tell her?" A voice called from behind the woman.

"Why would we? She'll be dead in a few minutes," Another voice said. Some of them laughed and nodded in agreement.

"What exactly do you need me for?" I asked.

"We need your power, well actually, we just want to steal your power from you," The woman said.

"My power? You mean like my country?"

"That's part of it, yes. But we also want the literal power that runs through your veins." The woman's voice had turned from conversational to stone cold.

"What power? What are you talking about?"

"You, my dear, have incredible power, that you don't even know about."

"If you only ever wanted my power, then why did you take the magic from all of those other people? I asked.

"Well, to be fair we just want to be more powerful. We desire this power so we can take back what is rightfully ours, the country of Alandra."

"What makes you think my country is rightfully yours?"

"Your country is about 50% witches. Years ago, it was completely witches, until the humans were able to find some help and take over."

"What kind of help?"

"One of your filthy ancestors," A man called.

That was insulting. I don't know which ancestor it was but I'm sure they weren't filthy. I don't remember my parent's ever telling me that I had a filthy ancestor. And it pissed me off that a lunatic like that would even suggest such a thing.

"Yes," The woman said. "Anyway, once we realized that you yourself were here at this school, we stopped attacking the humans to just go after you. With you out of the way and with all the extra power we get, your country will be easy to seize.

"I'll never let that happen," I said now angry. "I'm fighting to rule my country as it is. I'll be damned if someone else tries to take it from me!"

"I hate to break it to you sweetheart," Another guy said. "But you're tied to a tree. And your powers haven't awaked yet."

"What powers!?" I asked aggravated. I really didn't know what was happening. All I knew was that these crazy witches wanted my country because they believed it is rightfully theirs. Also, that if I didn't find a way to get their magic back, those humans who have passed out are going to die.

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