Chapter 22

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Over the next couple months, I got to know the mythical creatures pretty well, since they weren't allowed to let me out of their sights. I mean, if I was being forced to be with them I might as well get to know them a little.

I learned Magius was a third-year wizard who was very powerful. His family was one of the oldest wizarding families in the world. I also found out that he lived in my country. Also, he was engaged to a girl named Kristie because she was acceptable to keep the pure line of witches and wizards going. What was with mythical creatures and pure lines anyway? I wanted to ask Magius if he actually loved Kristie, but I thought that it would be out of line, and it really wasn't any of my business in the first place.

Sapphire, a second-year mermaid, who had to stay with me on Wednesdays during lunch, was truly a bitch. She didn't ever talk to me much, she just brought a bottle of nail polish to re do her nails while I ate. If I tried to talk to her she just made disgusted noises. I asked Faye what Sapphire's problem was once and she said that she didn't know. It may just have to do with the fact that her father was king of the Atlantic (Yep that's right, the king of the freakin Atlantic Ocean) and she was training to be queen. It just must be too much stress on her poor pathetic brain. Or she was just a bitch, either one.

The demon twins, Alessandro and Argento, who were third years, rarely ever went anywhere by themselves. I got to see them on Tuesdays and Thursdays during dinner. Demons had superhuman abilities like Vampires, meaning they could kick some major ass. However, they didn't need to drink blood to survive. I asked them if they've ever eaten a human soul and they both said no, only evil demons do that and they were offended I even asked them such a question. Apparently ancient demons used to make deals with humans and at the end of the deal they'd eat their soul. Now they just make deals for different things. Old habits die hard I guess. Faye told me to never make a deal with them, they always twist whatever it is to their benefit and screw you over.

The more I got to see Humphrey the more I liked him. As a friend, not a potential boyfriend or anything. Mostly because I ship him with my best friend Victoria. (Yes, I ship people in real life.) He was really sweet and really good looking. Him and Victoria came to see me at the same time during lunch once and seeing them interact was like watching any of your favorite pairings who were obviously perfect for each other, but never get together. It was quite aggravating.

Anyway, speaking of Victoria, I actually haven't gotten to see her much. But I did get to see her more than Dario! Which was like, never. The last time I saw him, which was two weeks ago, he told me he was too busy trying to find the witches and wizards behind this.

And of course, there was Faye. Faye was quickly becoming my new best friend (although no one could replace Victoria) I mean I was with her 24/7. So, thank goodness, she was nice and interesting. Could you imagine if Sapphire had to be with me all the time? I'd end up shooting her.

Faye was a first-year fairy. Fun fact about fairies, their magic is mostly known for cleaning. That's right! They're the maids of the mythical world! And here's an interesting fact about Faye, her family were the maids and butlers to the Calorio household. Yep, she was a maid for frickin' Dario. She's known him her whole life and has cleaned his fuckin bedroom!

Since Faye could no longer attend her classes she had to do all of her homework with me. She has normal classes, like math and English. But then she also has weird classes, like Fairy History, spells, and potions. She was having a hard time actually doing her homework though since she could never go to class. I felt really bad for her, but she never complained. She was just a happy little thing.

The only friends of Dario's I haven't seen were Adrijana and Felicity. I know I haven't seen Felicity because she was a pixie and she doesn't have any magic. Therefore, she was pretty useless at protecting me. Which made me question why Sapphire got to protect me. Faye said it was because mermaids are able to use sleeping spells. Also, some of them, including Sapphire, had the ability to control people, but it was very taxing, so she rarely ever did it. And Sapphire could also control the element of water, which was badass. It was too bad she was such a bitch then.

I wasn't sure why Adrijana was never told to come watch me. She was a vampire, so I know she is powerful. Maybe it was because she didn't like me, but neither did Sapphire. Maybe it was because Dario was afraid she'd tell me something I wasn't supposed to be told. I mean, she obviously had a big mouth and was hinting she knew about my blood. Was there something special about my blood? Dario said it was the best he ever had. What exactly did that mean? Did it have something to do with why the witches were after me?

And finally, there was Lazarus. He wasn't a mythical creature he was just driving me nuts. He seemed to walk around with me now whenever he could. Which was fine, except he kept glaring at Faye or whoever else was with me. I think he was just pissed that Dario said he couldn't protect me himself. Well, fine be angry, but don't take it out on the people who are just doing what Dario asked them to. It's just rude. I mean, they were there to protect me. Lazarus should be happy about that.

Thursday night at dinner I was expecting to see the demon twins, instead Victoria came. I jumped up when I saw her and hugged her like usual.

"I wasn't expecting to see you today," I said. "Where's the twins?"

"Oh, they said they were busy. I don't know with what, but I wasn't doing anything, so here I am!"

"I'm glad to see you. I haven't seen you in a while."

"I know, it sucks. Speaking of not seeing someone for a while, when's the last time you've seen Dario?"

"About two weeks ago, why?"

"Just wondering," She said eyeing me.

"Hey, speaking of Dario, how much do you know about vampires?"

"Some. Mostly just what I've heard from this year. Why?"

"Well, a few weeks ago, he told me that if he drank too much of my blood, I'd get attached. Do you know what that means?"

"It means just like it sounds," Victoria said. "When vampires drink a lot of a creature's blood, the creature gets attached to them. But only in some cases, it doesn't happen all of the time. Sometimes nothing happens."

"Oh okay, so he just doesn't want me attached to him. That makes sense," I said.

"Wait, do you want Dario to drink your blood?" Victoria asked skeptically.

"No, I'm just surprised be doesn't. I mean, he told me my blood is the best he's ever had. Not drinking it would be like me not eating chocolate."

Victoria whipped her head around to look at me. "What? Is that true?"

"Yeah, why? He probably doesn't get much human blood."

"Oh no, Elizabeth, he's royalty. He has human blood donated to him practically and served on a silver platter."

"Okay... So, then what does it mean?"

"It can mean one of two things: First thing is you could just have extraordinary blood," Victoria said holding up one finger. "Or he really likes you," She said holding up a second finger.

"What?" I asked my cheeks getting hot. "That can't possibly be it. It must be the first reason."

"Really? And why would your blood be any more special than any other human's he's had?"

"But he bit me when he barely knew me, how could he have possibly liked me then?"

"Crushes and lust develop fast," Victoria said matter of factly. "Also, I heard Vampires have a thing called blood intuition. They can tell a lot about someone just by biting them. Maybe he bit you and liked what he saw, so then your blood tasted really good."

"So, you really think that's the reason? He likes me?"

Victoria shrugged. "I'm just telling you what I've heard. If you really want to know about vampires, why don't you just ask Dario the next time you see him?"

"I don't know when that'll be," I mumbled.

"I'll tell him you wanna see him," Victoria said winking at me. I didn't even argue, because I did want to see him. Was my blood really special? But then why would it be? Could Dario possibly like me? None of this made sense. Now I have to add this to my other question, why the fuck am I being targeted by witches?

Faye returned a few minutes later and Victoria said bye to me. Then I watched her walk inside.

I sighed and looked at Faye. "Why's life complicated?"

Faye shrugged. "Why not?"

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