Chapter 19

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In How To Run a Country on Thursday afternoon we were supposed to give a speech in a different language than our own. My speech was in Italian about Italian culture. Headmaster Krail thought it was a good idea that I would be the first one to give my speech, which I thought was a terrible idea. But I had gotten it over with and Headmaster Krail said I did a good job, so that better mean I got an A. I hate it when teachers say you did a good job but then you don't get a very good grade. Like, please don't lie to me.

Blair was muttering in German next to me while Thomas stood at the front of the room speaking in fluent French. I think he cheated, there's no way he just learned that speech in French. It has to be his second language or something. The rest of us stuttered like mad through our speeches.

"Je vous remercie pour votre temps et bonne journée à vous tou," Thomas said in French finishing his speech. Not that any of us knew what the hell he was talking about. We were supposed to be writing down words we recognized from the speeches, so far I had written down five words, and that was the fourth speech after mine. Oops. Oh well. There was a good chance that I wouldn't need to know any of these languages anyway because I probably won't get to be queen.

"Blair, you're up next," Headmaster Krail said.

Blair stood up and headed for the front of the room. She looked through her notecards then looked at Krail when she was done. Krail nodded at her for her to start whenever she was ready.

Just as Blair opened her mouth, Elridge busted into the classroom. Everyone turned to him surprised. "Sorry, Blair, I need to speak with the Headmaster for a minute," He said. Blair just nodded.

Elridge got to where Krail was sitting and he leaned over and whispered something. I have no I idea what Elridge said, but whatever it was, it wasn't good. Krail's face fell and worry was in his eyes.

"Okay, we'll talk about it more after class, just wait here," Krail said quietly to him. Elridge nodded and leaned back against the wall. "Sorry about that, Blair, you can go now if you're ready."

"Okay," Blair said before launching into her German speech.

I tried to pay attention to the speech, but I was too busy watching Krail instead, who also didn't seem to be paying any attention to Blair's speech. He looked like he was distracted and thinking about something else. It must have something to do with whatever Elridge said to him. Obviously, it was important, because Elridge had come and interrupted class to talk to Krail. He wouldn't have done that unless it was something very important. And that's when it hit me. It must have something to do with the witches.

Blair finished her speech just before the bell rang. "Very good, Blair," Krail said. "I'll see you all later and have a good weekend!" Krail stood up and faced Elridge and started whispering.

I waited for Blair at the door of the classroom. She grabbed her things and headed for the door. "He was barely paying attention to me! How very irresponsible." She said irritated when she got to me. "Seriously, he's a teacher! The headmaster! He paid attention to everyone else!"

"Blair! Calm your tits I can hear you from the other end of the hall!" Zoey yelled coming toward us.

"Whatever. I guess I don't care as long as I get an A," Blair said ignoring Zoey.

"Well, obviously he had something on his mind. Krail wouldn't just ignore you for the fun of it. Whatever Elridge told him distracted him. It probably has to do with the witches," I said whispering the last part.

"Wait, what happened?" Zoey asked when she finally reached us.

Blair told her what had happened in How to Run a Country and Zoey just nodded. "I agree with Elizabeth, it has to do with the witches!"

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