Chapter 28

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For the next couple weeks I was spending all of my time trying to catch up on all of the school work I had missed. It was not fun. Especially with exams coming up, so I also had to worry about studying for those.

It turned out my roommates weren't told that while I was sleeping for a month I had actually been turning into an Angel. I had told them in our dorm room the day I had woken up. They all thought I was joking of course. It took a lot of explaining to convince them otherwise. Once they finally believed me they were amazed and thought it was awesome. Well I'm glad some of us were excited about this.

I haven't had the chance to see Dario yet because I was so busy with school work and exams. I was really hoping to see him tonight, especially because it was my last night here. We had our last exams today and would be heading home tomorrow.

"Holy shit, guys, I'm stuffed," Zoey said groaning and flopping dramatically onto her bed after dinner.

"Same. I'm gonna miss being fed everyday like that," Lilia said.

"You're the daughter of a duke and you don't get fed?"

Lilia shrugged "Not like that."

"I actually prefer the food at home," Blair said. 

"Of course you do," I said and everyone laughed.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw it was a few minutes after nine. I stood from my bed and headed to the door. "Hey, I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll be back later."

"Don't get caught," Blair said.

"It's the last day of school, what are they gonna do? Give me detention?"

"They could for next year," Lilia pointed out.

"Well, I'm going to be in the Diamond Class next year, so I feel like I'm allowed to walk around at night."

"That's true," Zoey said. "I'm kind of jealous."

I laughed. "I'll see you guys later."

I walked down the now very familiar halls. I think I may miss this place during the summer. Not the school part, but the people part.

I headed to the library just for old times sake. The door was open and the lights were off. I walked in, not worrying about the lights. I went over to browse the fiction section. For as many times I've been in here, I still haven't looked at all of the books. Probably because almost every time I've been in here I was with someone else.

I heard a noise behind me and I knew who it was without looking. "Hello, Dario. Long time no see."

I could practically hear the smile on his lips. "I see your new senses have already developed."

I turned to him. He stood at the end of the aisle. Moonlight from the window shone through onto his tall blonde head. His purple eyes were sparkling. Was it possible that he got more attractive than the last time I saw him?

"Yes," I said. "But they aren't that good yet. Vampires have excellent senses too, don't they?"

He nodded. "We are born with them. It always irritated Lazarus, he could never sneak up on me when we were little."  

"So you guys used to get along?"

"No. We just pretended to for the sake of our parents. It's better now, we can tolerate each other better."

"That's good. I don't like it that you two don't get a long."

Dario cocked his head at me, which reminded me a lot of a dog when it's owner spoke to it. "Why?"

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