Hey, it's me.

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Welcome to a palace made out of paragraphs, a world constructed on the mere force of words alone, and literature at its finest.

Oh who am I kidding? You read the title. You know who I am. It's me, Evangeline Hisahoshi, finally back again with her fire Emblem oneshots. Why? Because my husbandos were calling me like the darkness whispers to Odin, seeking out me and my new skills as an author.

But don't give your hopes up, I still suck.

Those of you who are blood in the water I MEAN my newest victims I MEAN new to me, my writing, and my whole little gimmick going on... Hello. I'm Evangeline Hisahoshi. I'm teasing and you'll wish you have never associated with me after you start talking to me, which I hope you do.

That's enough. Time for some rules and expectations.

Requesting rules:

-Only male characters, hence the title.

-Only the name of the character is required. All other details, traits, or plot line isn't optional.

-Fluff, Angst, or Smut. Thought I am not a fan of smut it is a request only thing.


-Daily Updates

-Frequent spelling and grammatical errors, sometimes too bad to decipher

-Horrible writing

-Out of Character characters

-Major Playing if Favorites when no requests

And yeah. That's about it. Keeping it short and simple for an introductory chapter. That's enough useless babble. You want me to just shut up and write, yeah? I'll get to just that. 

Welcome back, friends.


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