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Blowing out a breath,  I wonder if I'm doing the right thing here,  I think I am but probably more than likely for the wrong reasons.

It's  a chilly December morning here in Detroit, just a week away from Christmas and I had no way of knowing if my life was about to fall apart spectacularly. I warm my hands on my mug of hot chocolate as I relive the past three weeks, I think the thing that really gave him away was his best friend, Nauny, he hadn’t been able to make eye contact with me in a couple of weeks when we were together or when he came by the house and I thought we were good friends.

I suspected it probably was about too, people's actions and the way they spoke to me lately suggested something was going on and after a great deal of detective work and about to lose any shred of dignity I still had remaining, I sat in a small cafe waiting for the woman I suspected my boyfriend was fucking behind my back.
What really hurts me apart from the fact I'm in love with the bastard is that we’re still making love like he loves me, only last night he held me after we'd fucked and told me he loved me.

Hearing the door open, I look up and there she is my arch nemesis Hannah Armstrong, she looks like a goddess and I can see why Marshall would find her attractive.
She's 6ft at least, long blonde shiny hair tumbling down her back, she's willowy with toned legs up to her arm pits.

All of my insecurities rise like acid  in my throat, she's basically everything I'm not but then I remember Marshall likes me being 'funsize', Hannah was ultra feminine though whereas I tended to be a bit tom boyish, I hardly ever wore make up, li...

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All of my insecurities rise like acid  in my throat, she's basically everything I'm not but then I remember Marshall likes me being 'funsize', Hannah was ultra feminine though whereas I tended to be a bit tom boyish, I hardly ever wore make up, lived and died in denim unless working and my dark brown hair never did anything I wanted it to so I usually wore it in a pony tail or piled on top of my head.
At least my tits were better than hers.

She slinks towards me and takes the seat opposite me, she's dressed immaculately.

“it's been a long time Annie, you haven't changed at all!” I'm not taking that as a compliment because it sure as shit didn't sound like one.

Hannah and I are old friends, we were joined at the hip until I turned twelve and Han turned fifteen, overnight she turned into this beautiful creature before me now, gained beautiful friends, and became the most popular girl throughout school and college, she dropped me like a hot brick because I was on the chubby side and wasn't remotely interested in make up or making out with boys.

However because I wasn’t interested in any of that vanity shit, I became increasingly more popular for being, almost shockingly a funny and genuinely nice person, she hated me and set out to ruin my life at any cost.

Over the years she stolen jobs, money, friends and boyfriend’s from me. I'd moved away from our home town in the end and ended up starting my own business in Detroit and hadn't heard or seen from her in over five years and now here she was stealing the man I love from under my nose.

“Does he tell you he loves you?” Her head snaps up from the menu, the colour drains from her face “Does he call you beautiful?” I continue, I want her to know I know.

“Who told you, who said that it was true?” she stammers as she speaks, I wasn’t expecting that, I thought she'd be confident and rubbing my face in it!

“You should know this Han, he's got form. He was with someone else when we got together, he told me he loved me and that I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met!” She snorts with laughter, she's regained her composure

“You should have known he was lying you fool, he just wanted a fuck!” she sneers at me and she genuinely for a split second looks ugly.

I feel tears burning behind my eyes but I pinch the skin on the back of my hand under the table to try and fight them off,  I won't cry in front of this fucking bitch, I'm not letting her see me upset over him.

“He'll do the same to you, I wish the one before me had warned me!” I look into her eyes and see that she is to busy revelling in the joy of hurting me that she's not really hearing what I'm trying to tell her.

I'm not giving him up without a fight, I'm not giving my home up to this phony bitch and I'm not running from her any more. My phone vibrates on the table in front of me, Hannah looks over and we both see the message is from Marshall, I pick it up, so she can't see it and open the message “Babe, I'm going to be late tonight, don't wait up!”

My heart slows in my chest as her phone rings she places it on the table in front of me and presses speaker phone to answer it, It's him

“ Hey baby boy! Did you manage to escape for awhile this evening?” her voice low and seductive when she speaks to him, the second I hear his voice I want to run far away from here

“Yeah sexy, book a room at that motel, I'll be there at eight, gonna fuck you hard legs, I got you something, a gift!” I want to puke all over this slut, he's really going all out for her, the bastard fucker.

“Did you have trouble getting away?” she giggles as she asks him and that fucker laughs at my expense

“Nah legs, she trusts me, I'm working late that's all she fucking needs to know, dumb bitch"

I can't listen any more, I push my chair back and stand up to leave, she hangs up on him quickly

“Annie, I'm not going to tell him we had this conversation, I'm going to forget it and go make your man forget about you!” she smirks at me, taking a deep breath I grab my stuff and rush out to my car, I get in and drive to our home finally able to release the tears I've been holding in, my heart is breaking, how can he be so callous, I just don't understand it.

Entering our home, I stand in the hallway looking at all of our family photos, I'm annoyed at myself, how did I not see this coming, my body feels like it's wading through waist height mud as I climb the stairs to our bedroom, the aftermath of our sex session still evident, sheets messed up, underwear flung in all directions, condom wrappers scattered about. I'd thought our sex life was amazing, lifting his pillow to my face, breathing in deeply it smells of him and sex, it’s heavenly.

Then I'm angry ripping sheets off the bed, if I ever find out he's fucked her in our bed, I will fucking murder him. I pick up our clothes and wash everything trying to get rid of the memory of what I thought had been a perfect evening and all the time he'd been lying to me, maybe the sex was so good because he was thinking about her, I shook that idea off quickly it had always been great.

At 11pm I finally give in and go to bed certain he won't even make it home tonight and cry myself to sleep, I hate him so much, I love him

I'm woken up by two strong arms wrapping themselves around me, pulling me tight against his naked chest, one hand slips up under my vest and caresses the crease of skin under my breast with his thumb, I can help it but my treacherous body respond to his touch, my nipples harden and I'm feeling wet between my legs but he doesn't make any other move, just strokes my skin and kisses the back of my neck, as I drift off to sleep under the comfort of his touch, I'm sure I hear him apologise.

I'm sorry Annie!”

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