Friends are therapists you can get drunk with.....

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“ Peach I'm going to Vi's after work she's booked her travels and wants to tell me all about it!” I laugh lightly it's the truth anyway

“ok baby, I'm gonna stay at the studio a little later then,  what time you coming home?”
“ill be back by 11ish babe!” he says ok and that he’ll probably be home before me anyway..

I pull up outside my best friend Violets house and walk round the side of the house to the  garden letting myself in the side entrance “Honey I'm home" I shout into the empty kitchen

“Den bitch, bring the wine and a bottle opener" she shouts back at me,  I rummage through a drawer and finding what I'm looking for walk to her den,  inside she's sprawled out on an old leather recliner,  wine glass held out to me “fill her up and don't skimp!”

I laugh as I take a seat on the other recliner,  pouring us both a generous glass of wine,  she grins at me as she takes a large mouthful “Oh I needed that" she says closing her eyes and smacking her lips together “it's very stressful Annie, booking all of this fun!” I look around at the brochures scattered over the floor and feel a twinge of jealousy.

“How long will you be away and where are you going exactly?” I ask with a pout, 

she explains that she'll be away for six months ish and that she's going to Egypt, Ibiza, Rome, Venice, Paris and London,  I'm so pleased for her we talked about this trip non stop at uni and now here she is putting her dream into action, starting up my own accountancy firm had been hard work but it had taken off massively,  my building was outside of Detroit so I could get on more people's radar and it had worked,  I had ten people working for me and we all had full books of clients. 

I was as successful at my business as Marshall was at his career, ok I wasn't famous with millions of adoring fans, but in the magical world of accountancy I was the shit!

I'd never asked him for anything and we always split paying for things between us,  the gifts he'd given me were off his own back and nothing I'd ever asked him for,  I think that's why he trusted me so early on he knew I didn't need money so that was one reason he could cross off his list that I'd want from him.  I was proud of being independent, I'd never wanted to be a kept woman or a trophy wife.

“So where's your sexy man tonight then?” she asks innocently slurping her wine and I burst into tears,  I can't see,  I can't breathe I'm crying so hard.

Violet is at my side instantly “Annie, what's wrong?” every time I try to speak it comes out as hiccups, she pulls me closer too her and I cry all over her shoulder,  eventually the tears subside and I'm able to talk

“He's cheating on me" she laughs at me “don't be fucking stupid,  that man loves you too death” she pats my shoulder and laughs some more. 

I pull out my phone and show her the photo Hannah had sent the day before, she turns the phone around all angles like I did before she finally sees him “That fucking asshole!” her face turns bright red with anger “What else Annie?” I pull out the receipts I found in his wallet “He's fucking this slut in some seedy no tell motel?” she asks and I nod

“I suppose the bastard had the decency not to bring her home” that is one thing I am glad about although she's been in his car

“Call him tell him you won't be home tonight,  you're staying with me" I shake my head “I can't what if he goes off to meet her “ I cry at the thought but she hands me my phone and tells me to do it or she'll phone him and all fucking hell will break loose.

“Annie if he goes to her it's not going to make any difference to anything,  he's already doing it" she holds my hand and whispers softly,  she's right so I make the call “Marshall we've drunk a lot of wine so I'm just going to stay here tonight ok!” if he noticed I'm a little short with him he doesn't mention it besides it’s not a question he needs to answer but he does “but I wanted to cuddle with you half pint and maybe dip it in later baby, but you’re right you shouldn't drive and I don't want you to get hurt again,  so I'll see you tomorrow and we'll have dinner and a dip then" he makes me laugh,  I tell him I'll speak to him later.

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