You can't fix yourself by breaking someone else

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For some reason in the last ten minutes since we've started packing up our stuff I've become really fucking angry, not at Marshall but Hannah the more I think about it after everything he told me he was feeling, how manipulative she was to a man in a vulnerable state the more angry I get.
Marshalls not innocent in all this he didn't have to stick his dick in her after all but I can understand the circumstances and reason he gives me and I hope I can forgive him eventually! but that bitch is going down once and for all.

“I want you to call her when we get home arrange to meet her at your usual place tonight!”

I say it firmly to him he looks at me mouth gaping

“Annie I'm not sure that's such a great idea"

Is he fucking joking, I feel like myself for the first time in weeks

“You'll do it and I want to drive home"

I slip that in for good measure just to be difficult but Marshall just laughs as he packs away the blankets in the escalade

“Half pint your feet don't reach the pedals.... You know this"

Fucking asshole I do know that! I get in the passenger side fed up with freezing my fucking ass off.

“Marshall I'm really happy you opened up to me today, I know we've both got some stuff to get off our chests still, I just don't want you to think because I'm smiling, laughing and touching you, that I'm over this or that I've forgiven you, because I haven't, you've broken my heart baby and my trust. But I do want us get there"

I end my rant softer than how I started it but I definitely think he needs to know that there's a way to go yet.  He looks at me and smiles shyly starting the car and driving towards our home.
My phone rings in my pocket and getting it out I smile as I see Vi's face

“Hey bitch" I answer her “Wanna go slap the shit out of Hannah with me later?”

She laughs and says yes while Marshall looks worried beside me.

“I'm just phoning to see if you've changed your mind about coming with me?”

I have but I haven't told Marshall yet so I can't say anything in front of him but I'm going with her, I don't know if I'll be able to stay away the whole six months but I'll definitely be away for more then a couple of weeks.
I just have to break it to him, it'll give me time to see if I still want to be with him, if I can forgive him and get over the fact that I nearly had the baby I never thought I'd have, it'll be good for Marshall to not have to worry about me either, he can get on with writing and recording and can get on with mending himself and forgiving himself I guess.

Was my decision selfish? probably yes!
But I needed some time out and spending some time with Vi might be the answer. After I'm finished speaking to Vi, Marshall asks me if I think it's a good idea going after Hannah, I just glare at him and tell him it's a fucking fantastic idea.

“Baby, you asked me if I could forgive you one day but honestly there’s nothing to forgive, you and I we're at the centre of this, our friends and family are the people that could have done more, there's nothing to forgive you for"

He tells me gently and I let out a sigh of relief, we're both at fault here I realise but it's lovely to hear him say he doesn’t blame me because I do certainly feel it for not realising how upset he was, I rest my hand on the top of his thigh and squeeze gently as he drives on.

When we get home I go straight to our home office and turn my laptop on I'm going to find something on Hannah if it kills me,

“Baby, you want a drink? What are you doing?”

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