Ride em cowgirl!

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This chapter is dedicated to my Sister's in smut ;)

I was so excited that Annie and the girls were coming home today that I couldn't relax at all, I'd been climbing the walls at home waiting for the time to leave for the airport so I'd gone to the studio but I couldn't concentrate their at all and all I really did was irritate and annoy everybody there enough that eventually Denaun sent me away home.
But I didn't go to the house, I went to organise some things I'd need later for the evening I'd had planned with Annie, a belated birthday surprise. I hoped she liked her birthday gift.
When the time finally arrived to pick them up, I made sure the three girls transport was there and ten long minutes later they were all in my arms, the girls excitedly telling me about their time in Ibiza, I was pleased they'd enjoyed their time with Annie and Violet and then Annie's petite body was back in my arms and I Squeezed her tightly “Welcome home Baby, I missed you" She mumbles something I don't catch against my chest as I continue hugging the life out of her “Say goodbye to the girls we've got some place to be" she looks at me , wondering what I'm up to. “Go on" I turn her round towards them.

After Annie finished kissing my girls goodbye I practically shoved her in my car, the girls were in on this so they weren't shocked by me dragging her away. “Babe why aren't the girls coming over for Dinner?” that had been our original plan but I'd made other plans now.
Glancing over at her I shake my head no “Baby look in the glove box” she opens the box and pulls out the small pink gift box I’d placed in there earlier she looks at me smiling “For me?” “yep happy belated birthday Annie" she beams at me shaking the box and seemingly satisfied with the rattle her present made. “Thank you Peach" I smile at her she might not be thanking me when she sees what I've done.
She pulls apart the ribbons holding it together and lifts the lid and several layers of tissue paper before she lifts the key out “What's this for Marshall?” I don't answer just pull into a different lane on the highway leading us away from home “Baby where are we going?” I keep smiling hoping that she's going to love my present to her, my hand comes to rest on top of her thigh as she twirls the key around in her fingers.

“Annie did you get to look at any of the brochures I left in Rome, did you like any of them?” she laughs “I loved your notes on them, my favourite was the one you put a big fat cross through saying the shower was to small to fuck in”
Thank god, I’d picked the right one, I knew she'd love it on sight the house just screamed Annie, an hour later I pulled up the drive of that very house “Marshall why are here?” she looks at me eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I park and get out of the car and help her out “I bought it, for you. Happy birthday and welcome to our new home. Use your key baby"
Annie looks stunned “You bought this house for us?” she sounds like she doesn't quite believe me so I take her key and let us both in “I'm having some things changed, the work starts tomorrow. The basement is being made into a man cave with a separate theatre room” this house is much bigger than the one we currently live in. Annie walks around taking in everything, I watch her wander around the ground floor looking through every cupboard and every room.
Before grabbing her hand and leading her up to the first floor, I show her seven of the eight bedrooms, an office and a huge walk in closet which she loves and then our bedroom or more specifically the en suite with it’s too small shower “Oh, you were right it is tiny, no room in there for you to swing your big dick" I laugh out loud “Exactly, so Annie it’s all being gutted and re done, if there's anything you want doing we’ll meet with the builder, it'll be about three to four months before we can move in he said" Annie leans up on her tip toes and kisses me “Thank you, I love it!” she seems happy enough with my choice so I let myself indulge in her lips for a moment before leading her back out into our bedroom. There's not much in the way of furniture left in here just a few bits and pieces but I'd bought along a few old blankets, same candles and food for a picnic before I'd left to pick her up from the airport.

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