Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

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One year later

I tell you something for nothing, giving birth to Marshall Mather’s baby was no mean feat. Everyone had told me it would be like passing a watermelon, a breeze Marshall had told me, the lying fuck! Not Marshalls baby though, she weighed in at just under eleven pounds and I swear I pushed a small truck out of my vagina. Marshall was amused by his big baby until I told him it was going to take longer than six weeks for his favorite thing to heal after pushing the giant baby out.
There was talk of a C section after about twelve hours of pushing and swearing at Marshalls dumb ass but I loved it. I loved her before I even met her, loved being pregnant and absolutely loved how extra loving and attentive Marshall was. I’d do it again in a flash if we were ever lucky enough to fall pregnant again.

I already knew Marshall was an amazing dad to his three girls and he was even more amazing with the new baby.

He’d decided off his own back that he would work Tuesday to Friday, leaving me able to go to my own office for a bit on a Monday when I felt up to it, while he stayed home with Poppy and then we'd have the weekends together. He was great he got up in the night with her, massaged my knotty breasts when they were hurting and hadn’t demanded blow jobs at all as he’d threatened before she was born.

At almost four months old Poppy Rose Mathers was the apple of everybody’s eyes, her parents, her sisters and our friends. I had to put a stop to Nauny spoiling her, the gifts he appeared with for her were mind boogling. Poppy must be the only baby in the world with a full size Iron man costume to her name. I drew the fucking line at the full sized Hulk Marshall said he was planning on getting her to join it. I did however let him buy her a baby sized Spiderman outfit which he often took her to work in.

Dre had sent her a baby sized pair of beats which she wore whenever Marshall took her to the studio to protect her little ears from the noise the guys made there.

We’d never heard from Hannah or her associates again and I was glad of that, everything was so perfect right now that I wouldn’t risk anything or anyone spoiling it, the past was the past and we had the future here in our arms.

As I walk towards our bedroom I could hear Marshall cooing away to Poppy, I knew she’d be staring up at his face, her big blue eyes staring at her father in the little nursery room opposite our room.

Our new home was amazing Marshall had wanted to decorate the nursery and I let him have free rein, consequently it was beautiful fit for our baby princess. It wasn’t over the top with pink shit, rather it was a light grey room with pink highlights and white furniture and the best chair in the world. The shower room he’d insisted was too small and had remodeled was now tried and tested several hundred times, Marshall approved of the work he could throw me around in there and fuck me against every surface until he was content.

We had delayed our wedding though, I hadn’t wanted to get married feeling sick all the time which was pretty much how I was a week after we’d got back from Turkey until a month or so before Poppy arrived, I didn’t actually care too much about gett...

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We had delayed our wedding though, I hadn’t wanted to get married feeling sick all the time which was pretty much how I was a week after we’d got back from Turkey until a month or so before Poppy arrived, I didn’t actually care too much about getting married, it was Marshall that was insisting. He wanted to be sure that given the opportunity I couldn’t up and leave him easily, not that I was intending on going anywhere without him or my girls.
They were my whole world and I wasn’t leaving any of them for any reason.

“Hey Annie, Pops wants her dinner I think” he says quietly whilst still making kissy faces at her, I lean over his shoulder and sure enough her little fists are balled up near her red cheeks, lips and eyes screwed up, her hungry face, recognizing that if she’s left much longer she’ll scream the house down I walk round and lift her from Marshalls arms, sitting on his lap and leaning back against him, she gives a little warning cry and my breasts recognize Poppy’s hungry call and begin leaking.

Marshall pulls my vest top up and Poppy finds a nipple to start nursing while I relax against Marshall he hums softly in my ear and strokes Poppy’s cheek. I swear I fall more in love with him every time I’m around the pair of him, she’s going to be a daddy’s girl for sure but I don’t care because I love them both to the moon and back.

“Who’d have thought eighteen months ago we’d be this blissed out Annie, this all seemed so far away and out of reach at times” he reminisces sadly and I wished he wouldn’t it makes me want to slap him.

“We are though Marshall, so stop thinking about the past and think about here and now, look at this perfect creature we made together” he mumbles something and I don’t catch what he says, I’m too busy basking in the peace and serenity of this room.

I turn the baby and she latches onto my other nipple relieving the pressure straight away, Marshall fidgets beneath me and I look at him smiling “you want me to move?” I ask him laughing at the shocked look on his face “No I don’t want you to fucking move, I had to scratch my balls but I got it” he makes me laugh.

“You sure know how to keep the romance alive don’t you babe” turning my head to the side I kiss his nose while he huffs.

“I’ve arranged for Alaina to stay here with Poppy for the night on Friday, I’m taking you away for the night” I can tell he didn’t want to bring that up because he just doesn’t understand my not wanting to leave Poppy, haven’t even gone into work on a Monday yet without taking her and not left her at all really. My body reacts tensing up and he feels it “Relax Annie, we aren’t going far and we can be back in twenty minutes tops baby, I think it’s time to get back to us though. Laney will call if she needs anything” he's speaking slowly and calmly too me but my heart races at the thought of leaving Poppy but it also races for an evening free of dirty nappies and leaking breasts and spending it with Marshall, just him and I.
He strokes me arms softly, calming me “What are you thinking baby?” he asks nervously.
“I’m thinking it would be amazing to just be with you again and I’m thinking about a million things that could go wrong with Poppy, I know Laney will be alright with her and I trust her completely but I’ve got these things going through my mind making me panic Peach”  my voice gets higher as my irrational fears take over “Calm down Annie, Poppy and Laney will be fine, we’ll have our phones and we can be home quick, I made sure of that. Please go on a date and spend the night with me” his tone is pleading which makes me feel kind of guilty for a second but as Poppy breaks the silence by burping loudly and we both giggle at her like little kids “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you Mather’s, thank you” he hugs me tightly and I lean over and kiss his lips softly.

Poppy done with her meal burps and farts away happily to herself while we got lost in one another for a couple of minutes until my baby fills her nappy and stinks the room out.

She certainly takes after her father and as I’ve fed her Marshall insists on changing her, shifting me off of his lap and taking Poppy out of my arms I sit back and laugh at the look of horror on his face as he changes her. He’s such a hands on Daddy, it’s 50/50 with the baby workload and Its great and truly unexpected.

“Babe, I’m taking Pops to the studio Friday, the girls and Vi are coming over in the morning and they’ve sorted out a whole glam squad, whatever the fuck that is to pamper you all” he gets that in between holding his breath over a shitty nappy.

“Marshall you’re so cute” he cringes at my term of endearment “fucking handsome and sexy not cute, not ever cute Annie” he’s funny and cute.

“Well regardless of that I’m going to suck your dick so good later, you won't even know your own name. Thank you for knowing exactly what I need Sexy” I say from the comfort of my rocking chair, grinning away at him as he shakes his head smirking at me “totally gonna fucking hold you to that”  we’re both silent as he finishes up with Poppy before he lays her down in her cot, she makes her cute noises as she sucks on her balled up fist, I always think she’s talking to herself when she does that but Marshall reckons the noises are because she’s a content baby. Either way they are the cutest noises ever.

When he comes back from washing his hands, Marshall pulls me up and close to his body “let’s go lie down while we can and make out for a few minutes, then nap” I let him lead me over to our bedroom and fall onto the soft bed with our clothes on and make out for a minute before we both fall asleep quickly.

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