A Woman in a passion rides a mad horse

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My fucking head is thumping, I don't want to open my eyes its going to hurt I just know it.

Marshall is snoring quietly behind me, I don't quite remember how or why I'm at home in bed with my errant partner.
I open my eyes cautiously and close them again quickly the light is too bright, shrugging my way out of Marshalls hold and sitting up the room begins spinning and my stomach turns violently.
I rush to the bathroom and puke my guts up, why the fuck do Vi and I drink so much when we're together?  I suppose I had a legitimate reason to get drunk but Shit this hurts bad! Would I even survive six months travelling together?

I lie down on the cold tiled bathroom floor resting my forehead on the freezing floor and think, thinking about telling Marshall that I know about him and Hannah but Christmas is three days away and I don't want to ruin it for the girls, I'll keep quiet until new year but even that's a bad time, how long do I let them carry on with this affair, my brain hurts so I stop thinking about that and instead a vision of Venice, Rome and Egypt flashes through my head, I'm so fucking tempted to run away from this situation.


I hear Marshalls sexy morning voice asking for me,

“In here" I croak weakly, answering him quickly because he'll worry otherwise, his feet pad into the bathroom, I hear him sigh as he looks at me on the ground, he bends down picking me up, enquiring if I've brushed my teeth, I shake my head no and he rests my butt next to the sink.
I watch lazily as he puts some toothpaste on my brush and asks me to open my mouth, he proceeds to brush my teeth for me, telling me to spit and rinse when necessary.

“here baby" I hold my hand out as he hands me two Advil and a glass of water, I swallow it gratefully and then proceed to climb him like a monkey wrapping my arms and legs round his warm body, he takes us back to bed and I fall asleep confused at whether I'm mad at him or still crazy in love with him or both.

My phone wakes me a couple of hours later I'm alone in bed, Marshall must have gone to the studio, at least I hope that's where he is any way. I have three missed calls and two texts, the calls are from Vi asking what the fuck we drank last night!

A text from Marshall saying he was at the studio until the evening and a text message from Hannah saying she'd just fucked my boyfriend in his office and a wonderful photo of a used condom in his trashcan.

What a superb start to my day.

I got up and stomped around the house absolutely furious, Marshalls favourite mug was left dirty in the sink instead of washing it for him I threw it at the fucking wall and then binned the pieces, then I cleaned the wall which infuriated me even further.

I was feeling mean as hell when I climbed into my car and set off for the studio, I hoped to god she was still there and that I would catch them, It would save me the fucking effort of having to tell him I knew about them.

Parking my car across two parking bays, a move I knew would infuriate Marshall, I got out, security recognised me and let me through without informing anyone that I was here, stomping along to his office no one was in sight, I stood outside contemplating  whether to go in or not but then I grew some balls and stormed inside, empty as well!

I walked over to the trashcan and there it was clear as day, a used condom.
My nose scrunched up in disgust that they just left it there and then my anger began to waver and suddenly I needed to be out of here before I broke down as I left his office I bumped straight into Denaun

“Annie, what are you doing here?” he sounds shocked and looks quickly around Marshalls office, gathering myself together I smile at him

“Trying to find my man, seen him?” he shakes his head laughing nervously

“Nah man, come to the kitchen, I'll make you a coffee" I let him lead me away, the way he's behaving leads me to believe she's still here and I begin to cry once in the kitchen, Nauny can't even look at me

“Is she still here Nauny?” I ask between sobs, he has his back to me, I know his loyalty lies with Marshall and I don't expect him to say anything but he turns to me and gathers me in his arms

“He's a fucking idiot Annie, she's not here I promise you, I'm not sure where he is?” I believe him

“I miss you Nauny, please don't tell him I know, I want to try to sort it out without losing him to her" he nods and hugs me tighter

“He's not in love with her, I don't think he even likes her and I think he doesn't even know what he's doing right now" he looks as confused as I feel.

Marshall chooses that moment to walk into the kitchen stopping dead in his tracks when he sees Denaun holding me

“What the fuck!” he runs over to us physically pulling me away from his best friend

“Are you two fucking? I should never have trusted you!” He grips my arm so tightly that his nails are digging into my skin and later a bruise will appear

“Stop it Marshall you’re being ridiculous, he just gave me a hug, like he always does"

I can see panic and guilt written all over his handsome face, he thinks Denaun would betray him. Pity he didn't think before betraying me.
Marshall drags me off to his office, I stand hesitantly outside, I really don't want to go in there again

“Annie, get your ass in here and close the fucking door!” he stands behind his desk as I walk in and close the door behind me, he gestures towards the couch and I eye it wearily

“Why are you here baby" his voice soothed me

“I missed you Peach" I purr at him, getting close to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, he smells of sweat and sex and I could vomit right now.

I pull away “I'm going home, empty your trashcan, It stinks in here!”  He looks as white as a sheet as I walk out the door.

I go home and up to our loft, looking for my old rucksack from uni and wondering if It could take a couple of months worth of clothes, heading back into our bedroom I dig through my drawers taking out pants, socks, bras and bikinis.

I pull out two large bags of summer clothes and start going through them, finding outfits I'd forgotten about.
I didn't need to go shopping apart from toiletries I had everything I needed to fuck off for six months, I rolled up the clothes and filled my rucksack, I pushed everything away in my closet as it was and then hid my rucksack at the back, ready to go I just needed a plane ticket.

Marshall arrived home just before eight, my day off had been productive after all our home was decorated with the Christmas tree I'd managed to yank down from the loft, garlands and fairy lights all twinkling away happily and then I'd wrapped up the gifts we'd bought for the girls and the gifts I'd bought for him and put them all under the tree

“Half pint this place looks amazing, merry Christmas baby!” he pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply, I respond I can't help myself and moments later we’re on the floor, my head thrown back in ecstasy as I ride him quickly towards an orgasm so intense I think my body might explode but he holds me down as we both cum loudly and I lay down on top of him trying to catch my breath, his arms holding me pressed to him, his body jerks several times beneath me before I realise something's up, looking at him I see he's crying, not just crying actually sobbing and my heart leaps in my chest, grabbing both sides of his face I speak to him

“Hey, what's wrong, It wasn't that bad was it?” I try and joke with him but he continues crying so I hold him and caress him until he's able to calm down enough to speak.

“Baby, I need to tell you something" he says after we've both been silent for some time, I remove my body from his silently willing him not to do this now, not to ruin Christmas for his girls, I grab a throw from the couch and wrap it around my naked body, sitting back against the couch, he sits cross legged in front of me ripping up a piece of wrapping paper and I wait patiently for him to find his words.

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