My spark in the dark.

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I can't keep my hands to myself, after dinner we walk slowly around the coliseum.
I'm trying to look at it all but I can't tear my eyes away from Marshall, he's quite the diversion I can't believe how good he looks, it's been so long since I've seen him wear anything but a tracksuit, but I'm loving the black leather hoodie with fitted white t shirt and black denim combination, his addictive personality showed most in his clothing choices, buying and wearing all different colours of his favourite clothes to death until he eventually moved onto something else,  my eyes were greedily taking him in, My hands clutching his arm and I'm not leaving his side for any reason

"You had this whole place closed for us?"

He smiles and nods "Turns out the curator here is a fan, promised him some tour tickets next time I'm here and he was falling over himself to help"

sometimes Marshalls fame came in very handy, he didn't abuse it at all for himself but on the rare occasions he did ask for something it was for the benefit of family and friends.

"You wanna get out of here?"

I ask him shyly, he knows what I'm after really as he cocks his head to one side looking at me intently

"ya, but first I wanna make out with you for a bit here, is that ok?"

he asks as I'm pushed back against an ancient wall as his hands come to rest on my waist, lips meeting mine tenderly, he begins gently, coaxing my mouth open and slipping his tongue inside to duel with my own.
His hands move upwards, deft fingers brush over my silk covered nipples and they pucker and stiffen instantly, my body responds to his touches and kisses, soft moans leaving my mouth as my senses become overwhelmed by him, the setting we're in and just about everything else.
Marshall eventually pulls away reluctantly, pressing his forehead against mine, catching his breath

"I need you Annie" he closes his eyes as he speaks and I kiss him once again

"You have me Marshall, I'm not going anywhere"

he nods his head against mine and opens his eyes once more.

"Lets get going babe!"

He leads me out into the city into a car that's been waiting for us and I give him the name of my hotel as we settle comfortably in the back, holding hands again. We both watch the busy city passing us by, not speaking again until we pull up outside the hotel, he walks me to my room with his hand resting comfortably on my ass all the way there, it messes with my mind and body.

I can't get the key card in the door quick enough and he wrestles it from my shaking hand, pushing the door open quickly and pushing me inside, he follows me quietly and I walk out onto the balcony.

I'm feeling devilish and want to delay this for a bit but I know our time is all to brief so I'm just delaying him enough to piss him off a small amount

"Annie get in here!"

I turn and glance at him smirking, he's sat on my bed, hands flat out on the mattress as his fingers tap it annoyingly.

Turning my attention back to the city ten floors below I continue taking in the sights and sounds consuming the night air and less than a minute later he's behind me, this reminds me a little of being pressed up against the glass wall in his office in New York as he tried to make me go on a date with him, I decide I'd stopped him far too soon that day out of fear but now that was gone I wanted to finish it here on this balcony.

My hair is pulled round and thrown over my right shoulder as his lips attach themselves to my exposed neck

"I'm going to mark you, then for the rest of the time you're away men will know you belong to someone!" Marshall whispers in my ear causing goosebumps to break out all over my body.

Same script, different castWhere stories live. Discover now