Don't stop dreaming just because you had a nightmare.

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It was our last night together for just over four weeks and tomorrow morning I would fly away to begin my adventures with one of my best friends.
My other best friend and lover left behind me in the states, I couldn’t wait to get on the plane and head to Egypt now, what a difference a week makes! Marshall probably couldn’t wait to see the back of my incessant chatter about Egypt, I swear to god he rolled his eyes at me every time I started talking about it.

I’d spent the past two days in my office prepping my staff about cases and annoying the temporary manager I’d placed in charge if looks could kill I’d be six feet under by time they shooed me out the door yesterday and also I paid a visit to the town hall to see what we needed to do to start thinking about adoption.

We haven't been able to keep our hands off one another either,  he came to the office twice yesterday for sex and today he came home for ‘lunch,’  I've popped into the studio to ‘chat' to Marshall several times in the past four days,  it's the like the early days when we first started having sex, we did it here, there and everywhere, I blushed thinking back on some of our antics.

Marshall hadn’t mentioned he'd had anything special planned for this evening but I'd decided to rush home from my office and shower and get ready for his return just in case,  I had finished my final checks and packing making sure that I had everything I needed when I suddenly glanced at my phone and realised it was eight in the evening I started worrying about him, I tried calling him but his phone was turned off and nobody was answering the phones at the studio.

All kinds of things crossed my mind, was he avoiding me? Was he hurt or injured somewhere? And the worst thought of all had he turned to another woman already? I started crying as I laid on our bed in the dark, paranoia gradually getting the better of me and making me feel even more irrational, after another hour I began pacing the house, Still no one answering the phone at the studio.

Dressing once more and picking up my car keys, headed out towards his studio when I got there my card pass wouldn't grant me access through the large gates, it worked just fine yesterday and so I parked haphazardly across the street from Effigy and walked over to the reception doors, they were locked.
I was so confused I just stood there rattling them just to check I wasn’t being weak and girly but they wouldn't budge, through the glass paned door, I saw Marshalls head of security approaching me and I smiled hoping he would let me in

“Good evening Miss Taylor" he greeted me formally and I smiled at him

“Hey is Marshall here?”

I ask as I'm about to step inside the reception area, instead he blocks my path so I can't get inside, I giggle thinking he's suddenly developed a sense of humour and side step trying again but he lays hands on me halting me in my tracks

“Mr Mathers said no admittance to anyone tonight!” my face drops, surely that doesn't mean me.

“Well is he here? I've been trying to contact him and he's not replying, I'm worried about him,” he looks down at me, sighing like the effort to be nice is too much for him and I stand my ground

“He's here Miss"

I feel my body sag in relief I go to step in again but again he forcibly pushes me back, taking me by surprise I land on my ass on the cold pavement.

“No admittance" he walks back inside and slams the door behind him, locking it again. Fucking asshole!

I'm fucking furious now, Marshall clearly had no intention of spending any time with me tonight, but what he currently seems to be forgetting is that I've been snuck in and out of this place more times than I care to remember and as I'm in the compound now, I know there's another way in and I head off round to the back of the building to the bathroom and laugh to myself, the window is open and I'm that cross and disgusted right now that I feel like I'm going to climb in the fucking window and punch him in the fucking face.

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