I like my balls where they are!

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*Marshall's flashback three years ago*

I sat nervously tapping my feet on the floor at the desk waiting for Annie to arrive it'd been three weeks since New York, my passion and lust for her was out of control just being in the same room as her made me feel dizzy.

Violet had tried and failed ultimately to ask me to back off and I managed it for two whole weeks but since I'd found out she'd be here today I'd told Paul I needed to be here as it was about my album anyway, the door opens and in she walks looking fucking perfect as she turns away from the door she sees me and stops in her tracks looking shocked

“Where's Paul?” she demands, she sounds so fucking pissed off and I just shrug my shoulders to indicate I don't know.

“Annie go on a date with me!”

I ask her and watch as the corners of her lips tilt up into a grin

“No thank you Marshall"

she sits as far away from me as possible round the table and sits quietly fiddling with her paperwork in front of her. She's nervous, I must make her feel that way and it's really not my intention to, I just know I want her, really badly.

Paul enters the room kissing Annie on both cheeks, how come I don't get to do that?  He greets me and we get down to work. It's so hot watching Annie crunching numbers, it takes her seconds to work out in her head the answers to any mathematical questions that Paul asks, she's a fucking genius.

A genius who likes to wear expensive lingerie, a memory of my hands on the tiny black panties last time I saw her flashes through my head so near yet so far from my ultimate goal.

I could understand her comments about being wary of me, I mean I was coming on strong but I couldn't help it she'd bought out this side in me and I'd wanted to see how far I could take it.
Alicia and I were still on the outs, I was putting off that potentially awkward chat until I had Annie where I wanted her not that I wasn't going to end it anyway but I wanted to focus on Annie.

Paul's phone rang and he excused himself to go and take his private call leaving us alone once more, the air thick with tension between us. Getting up I approached her slowly and sat in the chair next her, I could smell the lovely scent of her and my body reacted, she gave me the side eye and I sat still not attempting to touch her, remembering her threat from three weeks ago I liked my balls where they where.

“Annie, if you come on one date with me and decide you've no interest in me after that, I'll let you go, I promise"

she fidgets in her seat next to me “Marshall I'm not a one night stand kind of a girl, if you want to fuck you'll have to find someone else, I'm just not interested” she gazes into my eyes trying to get me to see there's no way this is happening but her eye twitches slightly telling me she's not only lying to me but to herself as well.

“I never thought you were that kind of a girl but I do know that you are into me big time”

I'm super fucking confident as I say it but Annie laughs out loudly beside me and doesn't stop,  I wait for her to stop my confidence rapidly wilting

“Shit Marshall your ego is out of control,  nothing you can say or do will make me part my legs for you!” she smiles sweetly at me and I definitely hear sarcasm in that statement, I cock my head to one side and gaze at her side profile.

Fuck she's gorgeous why won't she just give it up, “Challenge accepted Annie" I ease my body up from the seat beside her as she glares up at me, I can see Paul's outline by the door and taking what might be my last chance I lean down to her right ear and whisper “I dreamt about fucking you last night, you felt so good Annie, naked and writhing with pleasure under me, you know how good we're going to be together don't you!”

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