Do not judge, you don't know what storms I've asked her to walk through

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“But have you told her about Hannah yet?” Denaun asks me for the thousandth time this morning, I clench my fists in my pockets trying not to say something that'll hurt him “No! I've tried calling but she rejects me and texts saying she'll call me when she's ready"

It's been two days since I saw Annie at the hospital and found out I'm going to be a father again and I know she said she would call me but my impatience was growing by the hour as was the panic in my mind. I'd tried calling Violet but she’d also rejected my call. I couldn't ask Denaun to go to the house because she’d had his name as well as mine removed from the gate house, we couldn't get in unless she revoked that.

“I need to take my mind off of this Nauny, let's try and make some music" he smiles and puts a pencil and pad in front of me “There you go buddy!” he makes great beats for the next few hours while I write mediocre lyrics, mostly writing out my frustrations about the situation with Annie.

Our new home was finished and ready for us to move in, I hadn't been able to face it, I'd had Paul go in and check that the work was progressing and he did the final checks when it was complete. My kids were upset with me and they didn't even know the full details all they knew was that Annie had thrown me and my stuff out and that she wouldn't speak to them. Although she had text them all to say that she loved them and was sorry that she couldn't see them right now but they were angry with me, quite rightly so. If I hadn't stuck my dick in Hannah in the first place we wouldn't be here right now. One thing was for sure though I wasn’t going back to being  fucking cry baby Marshall I had a kid on the way and I had to wait this out and be there for Annie when she finally decided to let me back in, I can't think in if's that would just destroy me.

Later that evening I'm disturbed by my phone ringing recognising Annie’s ringtone, I fly across the studio to get it before she rings off “Baby!” I answer, out of breath.
“Hey Marshall I was just wondering if you wanted to come over and talk?” she sounds friendly enough but kind of unsure that my answer will be in her favour but honestly there's no where else I'd rather be “Yes, I'll leave now if that's ok with you and see you in twenty minutes" I'm up gathering my keys and turning things off before she even agrees “Ok, would you mind grabbing me a burger with extra pickles please and bacon, maybe some cheese too" I smile at her asking me in a way that sounds like she thinks I'll refuse “Sure, anything else?” I sound way too eager as she replies no.

“Here you go baby" I hold out the bag she's been eyeing up since she'd let me in the house and she all but snatches it out of my hand, ripping the bag off and the paper she hums with pleasure, closing her eyes as she takes a big bite “Thank you so much" she smiles tucking in, I've never seen her devour any food like that before. I look her over while she eats, she looks much better than she did two days ago, her skin looks a healthier shade of pink, the dark circles under her eyes beginning to fade and her lifeless hair shiny and unruly again,  I had to sit on my hands to stop myself from touching her.

“So two babies on the way Marshall, your plate is going to be full!” she takes a swipe at me as she wipes her mouth, laughing bitterly to herself. “Don't be like this Annie, it's not you" I feel bad that she's been messed about so much that she's bitter inside. “It’s the new me Peach” she smiles getting up and walking into the living area where she sits and wraps her arms around her legs holding them to her chest “Where is she?”

“Hannah’s gone, she left a week after dropping her bombshell, I don't know where she is, hopefully back with her husband" I don't care where Hannah is, I don't want to talk about her. I want to talk about us.

“What about the baby?” shrugging my shoulders I answer her “That baby ain’t mine, I don't know who's it is but it ain’t mine, thank god.” I move closer to her, hoping to be able to touch her but she sits further back against the arm of the couch and out of reach “How do you know?” she asks quietly, burying her head between her knees.

“I told Paul everything, he made her go to hospital for a test, an amnio or something like that. He paid her the money she wanted to do it but not until she'd had it done. The results were that it isn't my baby, she left the hospital with her money and haven't seen or heard from her since.”
Thank god for Paul stepping in and ensuring I didn't have to speak to her again.

“Did she stay at your house?” I hate that she calls our new home, my house.
“No Annie, it's our house and I've not even stayed there yet!” her head jerks up in surprise “Where have you been?” she sounds surprised at my confession but I already told her this at the hospital “With Denaun, I told you at the hospital Annie" she nods clearly she was a little shocked that day so I can't say I blame her for not remembering our conversation.
“Annie, I want us to go and live in our new home like we planned and get married, nothing's changed baby" my voice takes on a pleading tone, I'm willing to beg her if I have to.

“I forgave you for being with her, a part of me understood what happened and I thought I was over it, but seeing her in your office that day was like you took a knife to my heart. What if I take you back and you do this to me again. I feel fucking foolish enough as it is”  She clutches her chest as if in pain before continuing more calmly “In my rational brain I know nothing else happened between you two other than what already happened, I believe that you thought you were being safe, fucking naive though.”

I look down unable to maintain eye contact if I could go back in time and erase the past year, I would, keep the good bits and throw away the bad but In real life you don't get a do over so I'd do whatever I could to make this right again.

“What can I do baby, what can I do to make you forgive me?” Annie closes her eyes not before I see a single tear slip out and roll down her cheek “Are you still in love with me Marshall?” A sob leaves her lips as she waits briefly for my answer “Oh my god Annie, are you fucking kidding? You are everything to me, I love you more than anything baby" I move quickly and press my lips against hers, she hesitates a little before surrendering herself to me and allowing my mouth to plunder hers, she's responsive and she feels like my Annie again for a brief moment. Pulling away I rest my forehead against hers “I love you" I whisper over and over before moving my head to look at her “I'm sorry for all of this mess Annie, I can't apologise enough, I'm sorry!”

We both cry for a few minutes before Annie severs contact with me , wiping her eyes “It's just bought it all back Marshall, I can't just let you back in.... just like that. I did it once and look what happened, right back to square one.”
I mean it's not exactly square one but I tried to think hard about how to put this right and come up with a risky idea “Would you do me the honour of going on a date with me please Miss Taylor?” I smile at her and she laughs “A date? “
“Yes baby, a first date. Let me take you out and spoil you, make you love me again" she blushes and picks at the material on her jeans before reaching for my hand “Marshall please don't think that I don't love you, because I do so much.” She smiles before tightening her grip on my hand “I just need to work through this that's all. I can't handle the thought of her turning up and ruining everything again!”

I sigh “Annie she can only ruin us if we let her. If she comes back Paul will handle her, I won't even speak to her” I try my best to get her to see that our future is in our hands.
“Ok I'll go on a date with you" She mutters quietly, looking down at our hands joined together.

“Thank you Annie, you won't regret it I promise" placing my lips against her forehead I close my eyes in relief as I kiss her quickly, grateful that she's willing to play along with me and my silly idea's.
I get up to leave before I really push my luck but instead she pulls me back down beside her and moves closer to me "I need you to hold me awhile before you leave" she quietly explains and I nod understanding the overwhelming urge to be beside her and tug her into my lap, wrapping both of my arms around her and crushing her against my chest.

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