Aloha x reader x Mask

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Requested by Rae-rin !

Two inklings spammed your Squid-phone every morning, even at night.

" Heya, (Y/N)-Chan!~ I'll be throwing a party later at my place if you'd like to come over! A party wouldn't be the save without you!~" Another text from Aloha. Not surprising.. What didn't surprise you even more, is that you got another message right after his.
" Hey, (Y/N).. I'll be at my house today if you'd like to come over and play some video gamesss.."

You tiredly rubbed your eyes, just waking up. " Do these guys have any chill..? Talk about clingy.." You changed into your gear, heading down to the Square. You noticed that both of them were sitting at a different table, and as soon as they noticed you, both of them motioned to come sit with one of them. You looked at the two Inklings, and even Mask seemed excited to see you.

" C'mon, (Y/N)! I wanna talk about the party I'll be having!~ It would be a shame if you didn't come.."
" (Y/N), should we talk about the games you want to playyy..? I don't want to pick some random games without your opinionnn.."
First, you sat down with Aloha, not wanting to make him get upset. Seeing his happy-go-lucky smile go away is like torture!

As you talked with him, you both felt a cold pair of eyes glaring right at Aloha. Mask mumbled something under his breath, clearly unheard because the gas mask muffled his voice already. You felt a sharp tinge of guilt forming in your stomach, feeling like a bad friend for leaving poor Masky there. Mask was known to be chill yet envious, so this was a huge thing to make him jealous.

Aloha kept talking, ignoring the oh so obvious death glare he was receiving from the jealous Inkling, his joyful and energetic voice not fading away one bit.
You had a plan already though; After you two settled on an idea of when you could go to the party, you would go talk to Masky. You didn't mean to hurt his feelings after all!

Since Aloha was understanding and reasonable, it was easy to make a plan with him. But Mask..
Ohhh boy, he was still staring down that boi. You sat down next to him shortly after that, Aloha satisfied with the conversation. Mask suddenly let go of his judgmental expression, changing it back to his normal sleepy look with his half closed eyes. It looked kind of cute honestly. " Sooo.. Do you like squid jump or squid ball..? I own all of the games Ancho-V games madeee.. You can choose your favorite if you'd like tooo.." You were pretty excited, since you loved video games! Ancho-V games made such good ones, too! But the thing was..

Mask messed up the schedule you and Aloha had planned completely, since he wanted you to come over at 11:30, the same time you set up with Aloha. You asked him if you could come earlier or later, but it was no use. He was doing battles, so that would've been the only time Mask had free time today.

You spent some time at Wahoo World, trying to think of what to do. It was the worst thing to see the two of them upset or disappointed, but boy, if something annoyed Mask long enough.. He could splat a bitch in seconds with his Carbon Roller Deco. He wouldn't hesitate to do that to Aloha if he annoyed him enough either, as he hated Inklings who ' enjoyed their lives', except for you obviously. Something about you made him feel so warm inside, a feeling he's never felt before. It wasn't his hay fever either.

It was love.

And yet.. Aloha felt the same feeling with you too. He would do anything to make you comfortable or happy, except killing someone of coarse. The sweet guy could never bring himself to hurt anyone, unless they were really disgusting people. But if it meant protecting you, he would fight to help you out, a lot like Mask-Kun.

You decided to head over to Mask's house first for video games as it was only 10:50, hoping it wouldn't take too long.

But it only took half an hour. Not long at all, right??

It was 11:40 when you got to Aloha's, happy that no one was really there yet except for his team. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you when you entered the party, and you knew it was Aloha. He always greeted you with a hug. It was sweet honestly.. You loved his hugs after all. You weren't very social though, so it was pretty awkward to be around a lot of people, so you stuck around Aloha the whole time and enjoyed some enjoyable conversations with him.

Mask sat at home, wishing you didn't leave. " That jerk just had to steal her, didn't heee.." That was his only time to actually confess to you about how he felt, and that was his only chance to today. But.. Aloha confessed to you at the party. You loved both of them so deeply, and you didn't want to reject either of them. It hurt you so much to see Mask sad, same with Aloha. So..
You had to.

Surprisingly, the guy didn't take it to heart when you rejected him, and understood. That didn't stop him from admiring you though..

The next day, you were being spammed again. Mask sent you messages like: " I wish you didn't have to leave to early, but I understanddd.." or " That was fun.. Hopefully we'll be able to play video games againnn.."

Aloha sent you this: " We can still be friends if you'd like! You're a super nice gal~" or " Hope we could do that again sometime!~"

You felt to guilty for leaving both of them.
Heading out to the square again, you heard a pair male Inklings arguing at a table. You recognized the two voices..
it was Mask and Aloha.

" You just haaad to take her, didn't you? We were having fun, relaxing.. You know she doesn't like interacting with othersss.." That was Mask, clearly sounding hurt.. You didn't know all of this would lead to an argument. " Hey, it's not my fault you're soooo busy! Pick another day, you knew this was me and (Y/N)'s day!"

You got between them before it went any further, both of them glaring at each other. " W-what's gotten into you too? Be grateful I even went to all of this all of a sudden! I love both of you two, so I hate seeing you guys like this.." Aloha and Mask blushed when you said you loved them.

" Y-you.. You love us? Both of us? You know you can only choose one.." Aloha was in disbelief that you loved him more than a friend, and shared the same feelings for Mask. " Don't let her choose just like thattt.. Let her thinkkk.." They waited patiently for your reply, until you gave both of them a small kiss on the cheek, you having to slightly lift Mask's gas mask up.

"..Don't make me choose you guys. It's not like I'll be in a relationship with both of you, so please.. Lets go back to normal."

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