Yandere! Mask x reader

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Requested by Rae-rin !

" Pathetic little squidssss.. I knew guys like you could never take my (Y/N) awayyy.." the male Inkling whispered to himself in his off, deep voice, wielding his (F/C) stained weapon. You and Mask-Kun decided to have a ranked battle- a 4v1. He clearly had the upper hand with the skills he had with his Carbon Roller, and you couldn't help but wonder where your teammates went after 2 whole minutes of waiting for your male teammates to respawn. " Where did they go..?"

You decided to go out yourself as you saw the rest of your team'a gear scattered all over the ground, completely coated in cyan ink. " If they were splatted, how come they haven't respawned..?"

You haven't seen Mask for the entire rest of the match either, causing you to win as you rode the tower to his end of the map. Little did you know, he was admiring you the whole time. That's all he did in battles aside from splat your team every round.

But this time, he didn't just splat them. This time, it was permanent.

You existed the lobby, noticing the entire Square being completely cleared out, not a single squid or kid to be around. You grabbed your (F/W), noticing your teammates haven't come out yet. " I swear if they're pulling some stupid prank.."

" Hey, (Y/N), over here! Damn, this place is empty.." the familiar, sweet voice of your boyfriend called out your name as you turned around to run into his arms. " Hey hun!! I thought you were doing battles? I actually just got done doing some battles with Mask.. haven't seen him or my teammates since then though." As soon as you said your best friend's name your boyfriend scoffed, shaking his head.

" Puh, that creep? That guy is disgusting! How do you even consider him a friend?" You elbowed him, giving him a stern expression. " Hey, Mask is a great friend! You gotta get to know him.. he would never hurt anyone." He shook his head again in disagreement. Right after he said that single sentence you felt a strange presence.. as if you were being watched, causing you to become uncomfortable. You payed no attention to it and held hands with your boyfriend, walking to the nearest bus stop. It was a fairly long walk since the last bus just left to Inkopolis Plaza, your home.

You could hear footsteps behind you when you neared your way to the bus, suspecting it was just your boyfriend since he was farther behind you, you being a fast walker. Eyes on your squidphone, you paid no attention to your surroundings, the same with your boyfriend. That was.. until you heard the sound of someone being splatted.
Your head shot up as you turned your head to see a horrific scene; your boyfriend laying on the ground and covered in cyan ink.

A hand covered your mouth when you tried to scream for help at the sight of your limp boyfriend, a sick, twisted voice whispering into your ear. " Found you, (Y/N)-Chan..~ I'll treat you better than that so called 'boyfriend' of yoursss.." a strong hand roughly wrapped around your hand, making you unable to run. You turned to see your 'friend' Mask's pair of icy orbs piercing through you, making you freeze in fear. His roller was right by his foot and had your boyfriend's ink stains all over it.

" G-Get away from me, you.. Monster! M-My boyfriend was right.. You are a creep!" Freeing yourself from his grasp, you started booking it away from Mask, his terrifying pair of eyes scaring the living woomy out of you. Before you could even say ngyes, a string force hit your back, causing you to go face first onto the cold concrete. " You can't run away from me, sweethearttt.. you're mine. Foreverrr.." a pair of arms lifted you up in a bridal position, your sight beginning to blur when Mask began to walk away with you.

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