Mask x Shy! Male! Reader

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Requested by person98712 !
Quick warning though, this consists of some homophobic things. Nah, I'm not homophobic, but some characters are in this.

You never talked to anyone because of your terrible social anxiety. Shy guys weren't usually seen around Inkopolis Square, especially with the fact that most Inklings or Octolings we're confident. You on the other hand had zero confidence. It's not like you were negative.. you were just terribly shy unlike really anyone there.

The main reason why you didn't talk to anyone though.. Was because you knew there were people in the Square who judged Homosexuals. You were one.
You had nothing against them of coarse, but you don't know what they had against yourself. You've witnessed homosexual couples being picked on around here, and you were once picked on once. That's why you hid your face behind your gas mask.

You didn't want to be made fun of again. You changed your gear completely, not caring if it didn't match who you really were. You were sick of the bullying. Yet.. You were well known around Inkopolis because of all the bullies.

You were in a turf war against the cyan team, wearing your new gear. Your gas mask covered up 99% of your face, which you were happy about, it made you feel secure. You didn't exactly have a team, so you joined a different one..
One that had one of your bullies on it.
The stage was Wahoo World, known to be a very popular theme park in Inkopolis.

When the battle progressed, only having 2 minutes left now, you felt an enemy weapon hitting you in the back. You tried to escape, which you were successful at doing surprisingly, as you stayed away from the enemies as much as you could to avoid them. You hated being around others.

Suddenly.. You felt your gas mask's straps come loose, causing it to fall off your head. It was broken from the enemy's weapon. It was strong enough to break one of the only things protecting you. You panicked as you noticed your old bully super-jumping to you, staring straight at you.

" Well.. It's you again. That one useless kid who got beaten by me and my friends that one battle. You still trying to go after those guys, huh?" He smirked at you when you looked at him and then your mask. Talk about bad timing.. As the match went on, he said some shitty comment to you whenever you respawned. It's not your fault you're not straight..

What was funny though, is that everytime said something rude to, the cyan leader splatted him with his Carbon Roller Deco. The Carbon main would always glance at you whenever your bully appeared next to you or near you at all.

Sure Mask hated it when other's enjoyed their lives, but he also hated to see people get hurt or upset. He saw your broken gas mask on the ground, the straps snapped apart. He could try to fix it..
the match ended. Your team lost, and you kept looking for his mask.. but it was no where to be found. Mask-Kun was taking it home with him.
Even though he had no experience with fixing things, he continued to try to fix your mask so you can be safer.

Using his own gas mask's straps as a reference, he continued to try and fix it.
It ended up being kind of sloppy and wonky looking in the end, but it didn't matter. He thought about the names the bully called you like 'gay'. But.. You didn't defend yourself. You stood there and let it happen. Mask couldn't take it..

You already replaced your beloved mask with the old paintball back, that showed your hairstyle. It was nice, but not as good as your gas mask..
It covered your face up well enough when you went back to the Square, but as you stepped in it, you felt someone tap on your shoulder, causing you to flinch.

You turned around to be face to face, his expression intimidating you a lot. But..
He suddenly handed you your gas mask. It was fixed. Didn't look amazing, but it was more than good enough. You took the gas mask and hugged him tightly, retracting from it shortly in embarrassment. Mask's expression softened a bit as he saw your bright happy smile as you took off the paintball mask in return for your original gas mask. It was quite cute to him.. he's never thought about anyone that way, let alone another boy. " Uh.. T-thank you, sir.." Though your voice was muffled from the mask, he still made out what you said well. " ..No problemm. I'll be here to help you if you need meee.."

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