Depressed! Aloha x reader

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Requested by FireNightBlaze!
Aaa I really wanna keep this book going

Your friend Octo-Glasses Chan invited you to a 'fresh' party at her team's usual hangout. The party started at 3:00, it already being 1. You waited for the dark skinned Inkling to appear at your door, as you began to brush your fangs and did your tentacles again into your usual hairstyle.

To krill time, you would watch movies, but you simply weren't in the mood.
Your friend she would meet you in Inkopolis, and you changed into your gear. You couldn't contain your excitement, since you almost never went to parties!

You remembered meeting the pink team's leader, Aloha-Kun. You couldn't stop thinking about him since Octo-Glasses introduced you to her team. He was so quiet, yet so sweet!

Heading to the Square, you got a coffee from the cute little cafe that Spyke stays in, scrolling through his laptop.
The Square surely did have a lot of charm to it. You heard Octo-Glasses calling your name in her normal happy and bubbly voice, turning around to see her waving to you. Heading over to the Inkling girl, you both gave each other a big hug, something the two of you did as good friends all the time.

" Heya, (Y/N)-Chan!~ You ready to have fun? A party is better than being cooped up at home!" You nodded excitedly, retracting from the hug so you two could have space. You were so giddy and happy to go see the rest of the pink team again, especially Aloha!

Since you already got a few more treats from the cafe, you both started munching on different cookies and doughnuts, enjoying the sweet flavors they all had. That cafe was definitely the best! You took out your squidphone, checking the time.. 2:40.

Knowing that it would already be past 3:00 the time you got there, you took the bus there. You could already hear Bomb Rush Blush being blasted through the speakers, the sounds of Inklings and Octolings cheering and laughing filled your ears. It sounded all so energetic!

Your friend guided you into the large house, seeing bright lights shining through the windows as you walked off the bus. You weren't big on dancing, so you sat down near one of the tables near the fruit punch and different variety of snacks, not noticing that you were sitting across from the best boi.

You heard the sound of someone letting out a soft, quiet sigh, as you looked up from your phone to see Aloha. He looked so much more tired and mentally drained than before, making you worry about his health. He wasn't smiling like he was before either!

" Oh, hey Aloha! Didn't see you there.. How are things?" Ignoring your cheery voice, he looked away. You began to worry even more.

" C'mon bud, show me that bright smile again! Aren't you happy?" He simply shook his hand, blushing a bit when you held his hand to comfort him.
Aloha was still quiet, an upset smile crept onto his features.

This really wasn't like him.. Best boi's like him don't deserve to be depressed, let alone any husbando. He slowly sipped his punch, feeling a bit better with you holding your hand.

You and him only texted everyday, him usually using exclamation points whenever he sent a message. Something was up.

" Aloha, please.. tell me what's wrong.. someone like you should never be so upset like this." His rosy pink eyes were set on you in a matter of seconds, still looking so exhausted. He stayed up all night, pondering over these same dreadful thoughts he had everyday now. It truly wrecked his confidence.

" ..(Y-Y/N).. I-I, uh.. Do you think I'll ever find someone like Mask or Army..? Or even Skull? I'm so left out without someone to love me.." Now that was surprising. Aloha not having someone to love him? This was a crime! You wouldn't let him go on alone like this.
Giving him a peck on the cheek and sending him your joyful, bright smile, you were sure that even a small kiss from you was a good enough answer for the male.

" Of coarse you are! You're good enough for.. me."
He was shocked by your kind, reassuring words. Aloha never knew that his own crush would ever feel the same about a guy like him. He suddenly got up, a smile plastered on his face once again. A smile no one could get rid of.. Aloha's smile.

The boy held out a hand to you, to which you took immediately, curious about what he was going to do.
" ..Do you think you'll dance with me, then..?"

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