Yandere!Mask x reader ( R E M A K E )

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Heyyyy... did you miss me? Probably not, but here we are!! Uh.. hi.

The cold air hit you hard as winter slowly approached and you were missing the sight of flowers dancing in the gentle breeze with the warm sun in the sky already, but you sucked it up and kept trudging on through the snow that fell from the large clouds that practically filled up the blue sky like it got vored by the fluffy clouds that soon filled it right up, much to your dismay. You had a nice cup of hot chocolate in your hands that you've gotten from the sweet cafe in the Square that seemed to be always busy, but you didn't mind; it was worth it, because everything there tasted pretty great anyways. You were walking alongside your good friend, Aloha-Kun, who was quite the talkative dude since you constantly found yourself chatting with him for hours on end and you guys never wanted to stop keeping in touch, either.

Mask, of course, didn't like this. Not one bit.

You felt an odd feeling came upon your mind as you made your way back home while carrying on a joyful conversation that you always enjoyed having with Aloha, chills being sent down your spine when night steadily took over the sky and you could just feel that something bad was going to happen that night. Something you always had nightmares of.. but hey I ain't telling you shit yet so read the frickin' story. Anyways.. the only sounds you heard throughout Inkopolis were the sounds of you and your bud's footsteps, your voices echoing throughout the vacant area which wasn't very rare since the only time Inklings or Octolings stayed up past their bedtimes was when a Splatfest decided to show up, but you didn't participate in many. Most of the themes were kinda trash anyways, but you said nothing so you wouldn't start a war but I'm not like that so hA

"Well, (Y/N)-Chan.. I should be going now. Bus won't catch itself, so see ya!♪" Aloha's sing-song like voice called out before he happily walked away, the two of you separating ways but you wished he didn't have to leave so early because the worried feeling within you only grew greater in size, like it was pubescent. You tried shaking it away, but to no avail; you kept walking, unaware that someone lurked close by, watching you like his prey. Sipping on your warm beverage to warm up your body you continued your walk, wanting to be productive by taking a few steps down the block to your house rather than hopping on the bus, but your house totally wasn't far away or anything. How convenient, my dude. The tips of your (F/C) tentacles felt like ice to the touch, feeling like if you even poked them you would freeze yourself judging by how cold it was, the harsh winds blowing your tentacles around and most likely messing up your hairstyle, but your predictor didn't seem to mind; he thought you were perfect either way. Perfect.. for him. Only for him.

The feeling within you soon flooded your mind like a sea of black ink, hearing someone getting closer to you, the sounds of their footsteps growing louder by the second in sync with your heartbeat which was now beating against your chest, because nobody would be out so late, right? Nope, only you and him. That's all. Mask waited for just the right moment to take you and keep you away from anyone else in Inkopolis Square or Plaza, wanting to make it clear to you that you were his and only his, but he simply had to find a way to prove it. One idea always comes to mind, though.

You started to speed walk away from the noise while it only got louder by the second, until you turned around to see who it was; it was just.. Mask. He seemed eager to catch up with you though, so you thought he simply wanted to talk, stopping in your tracks for the Inkling boy to catch up to you and he tried acting friendly towards you by waving.. that was until he did catch up to you, noticing the Carbon Roller Deco he had in his hands. He wasn't battling, right? It's becoming 9. It's too late.

"Heya, Masky! You need something, bud? I can get you more medicine if you'd like!" You asked him politely but he merely shook his head, steadily approaching you because his hay fever was as bad as ever. "(Y/N)-Chan, uh.. would you mind coming over to my house for the night since it's kind of lonelyyy..? I want to catch up with you moreeeee.." the Carbon Roller user said in his gloomy and monotone voice which sounded completely different in comparison to your cheerful one, but you sadly had to decline his offer even though he sounded so mentally drained after being sick for god knows how long and deeply needed to be helped, your schedule already having Aloha's name written all over it for the rest of the week. The bright full moon slowly crept into the sky along with a twinkling blanket of star, a street light looming over your form. "..oh. That's alright, thennn.. whatever makes you happyyy.."

The two of you separated ways so you could take a nice night walk to her house alone- or so you thought. You still remained in your usual upbeat and positive attitude despite the darkness slowly beginning to consume the area around you, like the once beautiful was being consumed by a wave of black ink. The bitter winter wind made your F/C tentacles dance in the almost freezing air, the only think keeping you warm being your clothing and the ink pumping within your body. You questioned why nobody else was around because normally tons of cephalopods roamed around Inkopolis at night like your friend Mask and you were curious as to why he didn't talk to him more before disappearing because normally he would cling to you like a lost puppy, your delicate steps sounding like they were getting heavier with every step you made.. but you didn't realize that the louder ones you heard didn't belong to you. Without paying attention to it, you kept on walking, humming "Bomb Rush Blush" to yourself until you made it all the way home since your home wasn't too far away from Inkopolis at all.

Weeks past- Aloha never texted you again after that night.

'Maybe he's just.. busy planning parties..?' You told that to assure yourself that your childhood friend was okay, sitting up your bed with your tentacles all messy from a good night's rest. You quickly threw on your favorite short dress that was in a soft pink shade and it looked simply adorable on you, and when you stepped outside you happily took in warmth the sun gave you after days of freezing weather. Everything seemed to be so peaceful; winter birds singing their chirpy songs, the grass glistening with morning dew, swaying in the gentle breeze.. the perfect day. You watched the clouds move at their steady pace in the bright blue sky as you began your walk once again, your trusty F/W in your duffle bag, that had your belongings inside of it. You heard your squid/octo phone vibrating in your butt pocket and since you hated people waiting you checked to see who texted you.. Mask-Kun.

You read the text slowly, trying to understand what he was saying through your tired eyes.

Sickly-Squid sent you a message:
"Meet me at Mahi-Mahi Resort today. 10:00. I have a gift for youuu.."

A gift? From some sick, yet kinda cute dude? Shit, that'll wake you up. You knew where Mahi-Mahi was by now due to all of the Pink Team's parties, most being thrown at the old stage. So many memories were made there.. mostly the ones where you fell into the one water. Picking up the speed, you decided to take the next bus to the resort but made it quick since it was about to leave, nearly throwing yourself onto it just so you could catch it. It took an hour to reach Mahi, but once you did, nostalgia filled up your mind like an ocean upon seeing the beautiful stage. Shining, crystal blue waters lapping against the stage's surface, but you didn't see Mask anywhere when you entered the tide pool. But you did see something though.. pink ink littered the resort's surface. Not many squids inhabited the Plaza as much anymore so it wasn't very likely that anyone battled on it recently. Plus, it would've disappeared afterwards anyways.

A Carbon Roller Deco was propped up against a wall that sat in the water, the pink ink that painted it's roller part mixing into the once clear 'ocean'. You curiously went up to it to get a better look and you then saw a familiar Golf Visor floating next to the lightweight weapon, seeing that it was stained pink as well. "W-was Aloha he-"

Before you finished up your words, a strange forced slammed you into the wall, wasting no time to roughly pin you against it. "Don't mention that girl stealing shmuck againnn.. a guy like him shouldn't be mentioneddd." Your eyes fluttered back open when you heard the familiar voice whispering into your ear in a much more dangerous tone that practically demanded you to listen to it's owner, looking his body up and down. His skinny, magenta-stained body. "..l-let me go you s-sick monster! Where's Aloha?! He was with me last week, and I know you don't like him. You're the only one who could've done something to him.

A raspy chuckle erupted from his throat, you letting out a frightened gasp when you felt something heavy being pressed against your chest. His roller.
"You think I'd just let some joyful bastard like him steal someone like you away from me? How.. dumb of youuu.~" the Carbon Roller only pressed harder, slowly moving up towards your throat, leaving a trail of bright cyan ink painted all over your clothed titty.

"My sweet, sweet (Y/N).. you really don't understand, do youuu? You're mineee..~"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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