Army x Fem! Kind! Reader

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Requested by the one and only inkzookaa !
How the frick do you even like my stuff it's trash. But thank you so so much for helping me write this, you're super sweet!

You and your best friend Sailor White-Chan have just finished up a long day of battling turf wars, both of you working together and winning 98% percent of them. It was great.
Both of you went to the Crust Bucket to get a Special-Up smoothie. You walked around Inkopolis Square till it was late, trying on new gear and looking at different weapons, along with getting more food.

" Say, (Y/N).. You don't have anywhere to stay tonight, do you? You can stay at my captain's house if you'd like!" You accepted the offer, not wanting to be rude. You two were pretty close after all! She quickly took you to the Orange team's usual hangout; Army-Kun's house. Sailor white talked about her team a lot and how they were part of the S4, a team you've never heard of.

Apparently they started off in Inkopolis Plaza, a place you've never been to but you've heard it's the place that started turf wars and ranked battles. You grew up in the Square, but you were willing to take the train over there sometime as she said it wasn't that far away. When the two of you were walking to Army's house, it poured down heavily. " Ack, we better hurry up.. Army's always grumpy whenever one of us are late!"

After speed walking the whole way there, she quickly knocked on the door. The house seemed pretty nice, the exterior was very neat too. The door opened shortly after, revealing a tall and stern looking Inkling boy. 'This must be him..'

" Sailor White-Chan, you're late. And you brought a stranger..?" Army-Kun looked at you with a serious expression,  almost as serious as his deep and cold voice. " Mhm, this is (Y/N)-Chan! She's super nice, so don't worry, she won't bite!" Sailor white chirped happily, walking in as Army held the door open for you two politely. You walked in after her, Army's attention still on you.

" Sailor White, you're back! And who's this? You brought a pretty girl with you?" Another male Inkling was looking at you, smiling like a dork. " Forge-Chan and Sailor Blue-Kun, meet (Y/N)!" Your friend introduced you happily as you waved to the two inklings joyfully, smiling back at them.
" Will you be staying tonight? We don't have much room here, only one room that we already all share." The coldness in Army's voice never left, as Sailor white spoke up. " Maybe we can make this work! Our bunk beds are big enough, so she could sleep with someone."

Sailor Blue was the first one to offer, and being the nice gal you are, you accepted it. The four of you settled down in your beds, you sleeping in the same bed with Sailor Blue-Kun on the bottom bunk, him falling asleep fast. You began to hear thunder outside, the rain falling harder than it was earlier.

You looked over at Army-Kun, who was still awake, jotting stuff down in his manual while laying down on the bottom bunk of the bed. You simply couldn't fall asleep over the flashing lights from the lightning and loud noises from the thunder. You shuddered a bit, and slowly got up, trying not to wake up Sailor Blue in the process. Army noticed you getting up.

" Can't sleep..?" He was surprisingly worried about you, despite sounding grumpy at first. You nodded slowly, already tired from running around the Square so much. After a long moment of silence, you decided to speak up. " Hey, Army, uh.. is it alright if we share the same bed instead..?" You were nervous to ask, and Army was nervous to even answer.

" ..I-if it'll help you sleep.." You both tried to stay quiet since the others were supposedly fast asleep, he made some room for you on his bed as you curled up under the blankets shortly afterwards.

The next morning, you got up before everyone, changing into some of the new gear you got when you found the bathroom. Sailor white noticed you were about to leave, and she stopped you. " Hey, what's the rush? You forgot to say goodbye ya dummy!" You both gave each other funny nicknames like dummy, so you know she was kidding. " So sorry! I forgot to.." You both gave each other a hug before leaving, going back to the Square.

You were friends with basically everyone in Inkopolis thanks to you being so sweet to everyone, even strangers. Army wasn't really one to trust any strangers, but there was definitely something special about you.. he couldn't let you go without him doing something.

Army arrived at the Square to look for you until he saw you peeking into the shop windows. When you slept next to him, all he could think about was how nice you were to him and his teammates. It was unusual for someone to be so sweet.
He walked up to you and gently tapped on your shoulder to get your attention.
You turned to face him, and smiled at him, but curious about what he wanted.

" I-I, uh.. Hello, (Y/N). I.. I was wondering if you'd like to go to the cafe with me. Maybe we can get some coffee together..?" He sounded nervous, but a dare was a dare. Sailor white saw you guys sleeping together last night, and simply couldn't help herself. If he didn't do it, she threatened to read aloud any of his precious notes in his manual in the middle of the Square.

" Oh? Sure! I could go for some coffee!"
And with that, you both head to the cafe, the one that usually had sweets and milkshakes. When you got the stuff you ordered, you both sat down across from each other, sipping your cups of coffee silently. Once you were distracted, you felt a pair of soft and warm lips press against yours, causing you to blush a deep (F/C). They quickly pulled away though, only to reveal that Army was the one kissing you.

" I'm so sorry (Y/N)-chan.. it was all just a-" his voice was cut off by loud squealing coming from outside the cafe. You both turned to see Aloha and Sailor White standing outside the window, squealing like fangirls and recording the whole scene with Aloha's squidphone, posting it on Inkstagram.
" W-wait, this wasn't part of the dare! Delete that right now!" Before you knew it, Army was chasing after Aloha with his N-Zap 85' in hand, leaving Aloha giggling the whole time and looking at all the views it was receiving.

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