Chapter 7 (Sick..)

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Keith POV


I woke up earlier then Lance, So I guess training for a bit would be fine. "Ugh, I feel sick.." Keith said while he walked to the training area, And put on his suit while grabbing a blade to fight with. Allura was there to watch keith fight and boost up the bots. Keith started fighting, Leveling up and doing pretty good.


But out of knowhere Keith felt the urge to throw up and a bot was coming towards him, He used all his strength to fight the bot or tell somebody to stop the command, But Allura was distracted and Keith couldn't raise his voice due to the urge of throwing up. The bot attacked Keith with its sharp blade and stabbed keith in the stomache.

Keith winced out in pain and collapsed on the ground, bleeding heavily as the bot wouldn't stop charging at him. "H-Help, Allura.." Keith breathed shakily. Allura noticed Keith on the floor bleeding and quickly powered of the bots, Eyes widening by the second. "KEITH" Allura screamed and ran in the training deck, Trying to find something to stop the bleeding.

Everybody heard the scream and either stopped what there doing or woke up and they quickly ran to the training deck. They all were shocked and had a lose for words. "KEITH?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" They all screamed. "H-He was fighting the bots and I wasnt looking a-and when I looked he was on the floor bleeding.." Allura said, Guilty she wasn't watching the poor boy and thinking of ways she could've stopped any of this from happening.

"K-Keith" Lance said, walking towards Keith and looking at him. "Hunk, Go find some bandages, Allura go get some pain killers, And Shiro go get a blanket, Lance you stay here with Keith and I'll go get a wet cloth to help the wound, Quick quick quick, Everybody!" Pidge exclaimed. Everyone did as told and they helped Keith, trying not to cry looking at the poor boy hurt and weak.

Lance picked up Keith who's wrapped in bandages and a blanket over it, assuring the others that Keith will be okay, Then bringing him to his room and laying him on the bed. "Keith, You haven't talked this whole time, how are u feeling?.." Lance said, Worry in his voice. "..." Keith just whined in pain and tried to stay quiet. "Keith, please talk to me..Tell me what happened" Lance sighed. "..I-I was fighting t-the bots..I felt sick..I felt l-like throwing up and weak..The bot stabbed me and a-attacked me and then A-Allura noticed and screamed..." Keith stuttered, sadness in his voice.

"Keith..Are you okay---" Lance was cut off by Keith looking like he's about to cry. "I-Im sorry I made everyone worry about me.." Keith sighed and got up slowly from the bed, Whimpering from pain.

*Around Afternoon*

"Keith, Be careful you should rest" Lance stated. "N-No, its my fault everyones worried, I should've been smart and done something instead of being so weak..." Keith claimed before slowly walking to the kitchen where everyone is eating, Lance followed behind him, Sighing. "Keith?! You should be resting!!" Everyone said, Looking at the weak boy. "No..I'm fine.." Keith said shakily before sitting down, Hunk passed Keith and Lance some food and they all talked except for the quiet Keith.

"Yep, I'm the sharpshooter!" Lance winked at hunk as he chocked on the cookie and laughed. "Sure Lance, Sureee" Pidge giggled. Keith felt dizzy and got up, Trying to focus but his vision was all fuzzy and he couldn't stop the dizzyness. "Mm..?!" Keith said before taking one step and falling down.

"Keith, Are u alright?!" Lance screamed and helped Keith up. "Like I said..I-Im fine, Totally fi---" Keith said before quickly wobbling to the bathroom, Locking the door behind him and throwing up. Red liquid started to stain the toilet, Keith stood up in pain and fear. "What's h-happening to me?!." Keith thought. "Keith, Can u open the door please?.." Lance said, Gently.

"N-No..I'm f-fine Lance.." Keith stated. Pidge came to the door with krolia and gestured for him to go and let Krolia help him for now. Lance slowly nodded and walked with pidge to the others in the kitchen. "Keith..Open up" krolia said in a soothing voice. Keith started crying, Looking at the mirror. "B-But" Keith started. "Keith, I know you're scared but I promise you will be okay, Please open the door" Krolia said. Keith slowly opened the door and krolia quickly walked in and hugged Keith.

"I know you're in pain right now..Don't worry, You will be okay.. I'm sorry u have to be in pain.." Krolia stated. "I-I don't like being sick.." Keith sobbed on her shoulder. "The pain..I cant take it..", Krolia patted his back and helped Keith, giving him some pills to relieve the pain and a heat pad to help relax.

Keith layed down in his room and it was dark out now. Lance was in his room to, Cuddling him gently and humming a song. "Baby dont worry..You are my only..~" Lance sung quietly. "You won't be lonely..Even if the sky..Is falling down..~" Keith smiled and sung. "How did u know the song?" Lance said, Surprised. "I used to listen to it..It makes me happy and it reminds me of you.." Keith giggled weakly.

"Aww, You're my lil precious bean, I love you" Lance said. "I..L-Love you too" Keith blushed before his coughing and pain interrupted the cute moment. Lance passed Keith some medicine his mom recommended he takes whenever he feels pain.

Keith took the medicine and quickly dozed of to sleep. "Heh, Cutie..I hope you feel better by morning.." Lance whispered before cuddling Keith and drifting to the soothing sleep.


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