Chapter 15 (Keith, Where you at??)

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Keith POV

*Around 6:00 am*
Lance woke up earlier then the other paladins, So he quickly but quietly got out of bed, Trying not to wake up Lance. "Mmngh.." Lance groaned, Still asleep. Lance smiled at his cute boyfriend and kissed him on the forehead before walking out of the room and to the kitchen. As he thought, Nobody else is awake. So he swept his hands through the fridge, searching for something to eat. "Ah," Keith said as he found some milk. "Hmm, I guess I'll make a smoothie." He thought as he made one and put it in a cup, Grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet and then went to his room, Putting on his space suit. Hr then walked to the red lion shortly after. He walked inside and drove around space to one of his favorite planets called "Arphala" (idkk i made up the name ;-;). He landed his lion and walked outside, Laying on one of the rocks. "Peaceful.." Keith said as he smiled slightly, Wind brushing against his face. Soon after he strolled around the rocks, Shining a tent of purple. He sighed, Thinking about..Life. Of coarse Keith was happy with the other paladins, They always make him feel happy. But sometimes..Keith felt to stressed? And left out? It always made the boy emotional when he thought about it, But he's Keith. The strong, Rule breaker. So, He kept all his feelings to himself..But he's thinking if maybe Lance would listen. Maybe if he tells Lance, He will get some comfort and advice and nobody will think he's joking, Because Lance knows Keith really well, He makes Keith feel wanted and happy and So cheerful! Maybe it was life telling him that Lance truly is the one, His Best friend, His Love, His support, His everything! Keith smiled at the thought of Lance, The taller boy made him so happy he couldn't help it. So he thought..And Thought...And thought..If he should talk to Lance about how he feels sometimes..

*As Keith was thinking, Dazed in his thoughts, At the castle the other paladins woke up.*

Shiro POV

Shiro woke up, Going to the living room to watch T.V. A few minutes later Allura woke up, Walking toward the speaker and signing for everyone to get out of bed and meet in the living room for a discussion. "Everyone. Get up and meet me in the living room in less then 5 mins!!" She said in the speaker. She then created Shiro and sat down waiting for everyone to come. "Hey Allura, Here." Shiro smiles as he gave Allura a juice box. "I'm not a kid, Shiro!" Allura giggled. "Haha, I know but who doesn't love juice box?! It brings back childhood memories!" Shiro laughed. "Hmm, I never had a juice box." She said blankly. "What?! Then try it right now." He spoke. Allura nodded and tried the juice. "Is it good?" Shirt asked. Allura nodded and smiled, Drinking the juice as if she's a 5 year old having her favorite meal. Pidge, Hunk, And Lance all walked to the living room, Groaning sleepily. "Morning.." They all say, Which Allura and Shiro greet back with a simple smile.


"So, What did you wanna talk about?" Lance asked. They all sat down on the Couch, Only Allura was standing up in front of them. "Yea, What did you wake us up for? I was having such a good dream about--" Pidge traied off into her own little world, Until Allura snapped her out of it. "Well, The enemy's are trying to attack again, We must think of a plan to stop them soon, Before anyone gets hurt." Allura sighs. "Oh, Well maybe Pidge could try making a spy camera to see what the enemy's are doing, Then that's how we could also safely get inside there ship and attack." Lance said. "Yea, I could try making a gadget of some sort, Small enough to fit inside our hand. We'll use it and I'll make sure protective safety features are included." Pidge nodded in agreement. "Hmm, Okay And I'll try to distract the guards so we could go in face to face with the enemy, Then I'll take my lion and if something bad happens we could always run back or hide in the little corners there." Shiro spoke. "But how will we know where the corners are to hide at?? We must know just incase one of us get badly wounded." Allura stated. "I'll use my gadget when I'm done making it, To scan the area around to see all the safe spots, Dangerous spots, And secretive spots." Pidge said. "Alright then, Let's assign jobs now." Allura confirmed. They all nodded in agreement. "Okay, Shiro you're gonna have to train heavily to fight of the guards there, Pidge you must get right to work in ur lab to make the gadgets, Lance you will help Shiro fight off the guards, So you must train too. Hunk, You will help with the spy cameras, Keeping a close eye on them, And Keith--Wait, Where's Keith?" Allura said, Surprised. Keith never misses these meetings, He always wants to be on point and have everything going smoothly so nobody gets injured. He gets to much anxiety if he misses the meetings.

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