Chapter 32 (Newbie?)

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Setting - Earth



Keith POV

Shiros been hanging out with Allura ALOT, But why?

I mean, I'm fine with it but still...Why? I walked over to the kitchen, Lance and I rented this apartment for now since well, Going back to Earth isn't that easy. Neither was getting a job and money.

Shiro and the gang all had their own apartments, Well except Pidge. Her brainiac self has a pretty big mansion, Being smart does come in handy. Shiro has been living in his apartment alone while Allura lives with Romelle.

Hunk on the other hand lived with Coran. They're like best friends, Coran loves food. And Hunk makes food. Perfect pairing!

Allura's been flirting with Romelle lately, It's pretty obvious. But she never came out yet, So maybe it's just in a friendly way? Or is it something bigger? Are they dating?

But what about Shiro? Why's she hanging around him all the time if she's with Romelle, Who she only talks to occasionally? Ah, I'm so confused.

Well, Time to get answers.

"Lance I hate you," I said.

Lance starred at me for what seemed like ages, This dude is really trying to make me feel older then I am, Eh.

"What? Why buddy?" He said back.

Did he just...Oh no he didn't!-

"Y-You Just-" I took a deep breathe of h2o, Yes water. It'll make me drown in reality quicker, And Yes I'm doing this by dumping my head in the kitchen sink.

Don't worry the waters clean, Cleaner then Lances thoughts. That's for sure.

Shiro barged in through the door, And looked at us.

At first he was silent, Then confused, Then disgusted at what he just saw, Then he walked out. Sounds like my dad when I was born...

He walked back in, And sighed. Lance ignored him and looked back at me.

"I just What? Huh?!" He said, Continuing the small argument from a few minutes ago.

"YOU JUST-" I took a deep breathe..Of air this time. "You just..Called me 'Buddy'." I managed to say.

"Ooooo!" Shiro said as he covered his mouth in shock. "Did you just friend zone your boyfriend??" He asked Lance.

"Uh- Well I- Uhm, Yes. Yes I did." He said uncertainly.

"I have a knife and I'm not afraid to use it, You son of a b-" I growled.

"BIRD! SON OF A BIRD!" Shiro squeezed out quickly, Making both Lance and I laugh. The tension soon disappeared and we were back to our normal selves again.

"I'm going hunting," I shrugged as I walked towards the door.

"For animals?" Lance questioned.

"No, Humans." I smiled as I left the house.

Lance is gonna think I'm some murderer now. I am a murderer, How? Well, I murdered my old self.

I walked outside and took out my knife, I am hunting for humans. Not to eat them though, But to kill them. And don't worry, I won't harm the innocent civilians. Only the bad ones.

I walked down a alleyway, Leading to a trail of blood. Fresh blood, Guess someone's been here...Time to find out who. I looked around and found a small group, A gang of some sort.

They were trying to kidnap a little girl. I know I hate children but I'm not that cruel to just let them get kidnapped by some bad gangs.

I took out my knife, Holding it tightly on my left arm as I walked over to the gang.

"Whatcha want sucka'? Some buff guy said.

"I want the girl," I demanded. "Lend her to me safely and you may leave, If ya don't...We're gonna have some trouble dude." I said.

The members of the gang all stared at each other and laughed. They don't know what they're getting into...Not yet.

"May I speak with your boss?" I asked.

They gave a simple nod and walked backwards into the darkness. Clueless as it is, I tripped over a gun. It's loaded.

One of the gang members fired a bullet at me from behind, I made a swift movement and dodged the incoming attack before it was to late, Thankfully. I turned around and threw my knife at the attacker, Hitting him right where it hurts.

Haha, Seeing the pain on humanity is so fun sometimes, Evil people get Reasonable punishments. Usually death, Unless they're trying to be good.

The second attacker launched full force at me, Stabbing the right side of my stomach with a triangular object of some sort. I yelped in agonizing pain as my fists hit the floor in defeat...Or so they thought.

A smile creeped on my face as I got up, The sharp object still proceeding to pierce through the side of my right stomach.

I took my knife out of the first attacker, Making a quick turn of motion and jabbing the second attackers eye out. The blood trickled down my now stained hand as I rubbed it off with my hoodie.

The third and final attacker just stared at me in shock.

"You're a MAD MAN!" He screamed.

I took the sharp object out of my now swollen stomach as I ran towards him, Tripping him over and stabbing him more times then you could count.

After finishing my duty, The alleyway looked like a murder scene. I looked at my stained hoodie. "Great, Now theirs blood on me..And it's not even mine! Well, Some of it is but still!" I said in annoyance as I walked away.

I sped up my pace as I walked home, People were staring at me. I feel uncomfortable. And yes, I'm fine with killing someone but people staring at me crosses the line! Don't judge me...

When I reached back home, I walked inside and Lance instantly ran over to the bathroom to get some bandages and ran back towards me. Shiro however just said, "I wish that was me," And shrugged.

"Stop acting like me," I rolled my eyes. Shiro and I both laughed at our attitude at the moment.

Lance on the other hand wasn't in the mood for it. He was just really worried. He bandaged me up then gave me a kiss on my forehead before looking me in the eyes.

"What happened that caused this?" He said in sincerity.

"I killed a a little bit of Humanity today.." I said bluntly. "Are you proud of me!" I asked with a big smile.

"No- Yes, I'm proud but you're hurt!" He sighed.

"You need to take care of yourself Keith, Because nobody else is gonna do it for you." Lance said.

"I'm here most of the time but that still doesn't mean you can't get into some trouble and get hurt, Please be careful next time." He sighed.

A gave a simple and quiet nod and gave him a hug. After he asked a million questions he then asked...

"Where did the object go!? If it was in your stomach then where is it!?" He asked in confusion.

"Uhh...I took it out to kill another attacker." I said.

Yep, Lance is gonna think I'm crazy now.

Someone knocked the door as we were talking, Shiro went to answer it and as he saw who it was his face lit up.

Who is it? Allura? A new person?? A old friend??

(SORRY FOR THE REALLY SHORT CHAPTER, My fam went on a little road trip out of state [currently in a hotel room] and their was no WiFi signals till now so it wouldn't let me write and then it was to late blah blah blah, Anyways SORRY!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!- Who do you think the Person who answered the door is? A friend? New guy?)

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