Chapter 9 ( Vampire🌙 )

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Keith POV
(Idk, I feel More comfortable in Keith's POV , Anywaysss-- ._. )

Its dark out, And I don't know where Lance went. It was Halloween and everybody was dressed up in there costumes for the costume party pidge threw, Where at the party right now. Hunk as a chef, Pidge as a pigeon (Do u know why?? Comment if u do XD ) , Allura was a hip hop princess (idek if that's a thing but yea XD), And shiro as a Knight. I was just dressed as a cat with ears and a tail. (Yass, Work it Keith :3 ) I looked around everywhere but lance was knowhere to be found. "Hey pidge, Have you seen Lamce?" I questioned. "Lance? Hmm, I think I saw him at the forest scene, With the fake blood around the trees and designs." She spoke. "Oh, Okay, Thanks!" I said before going to the trees and searching for Lance, It was a beautiful night out. I found him, He was by himself, Strange..I was about to go up to him when Hunk stopped me abruptly. "Hey Keith, Try my ghost Cookie's!" Hunk exclaimed. I denied but soon was forced kindly to quickly try at least one. "It tastes good, Nice job! I uh..gtg talk to Lance now, See ya!" I smiled before walking toward Lance. Hunk nodded and left to talk to shiro. "Hey Lanc--" I was cut off. Lance looked at me with bloodshot maroon eyes and what seems like a red liquid trickling down his lips, It was to dark to tell. I stood quiet for a moment. "Hey Keith.." Lance smirked and licked the red liquid of his lips. "Hey Lance, Nice special effects! It looks so real" I stare at the liquid that's now gone from his face. "Its real..I'm a vampire" Lance smiled slightly. "Nice joke, Sharpshooter" I giggled. "Want me to prove it?" He asked, Curiously. "Suree" I smiled sarcastically, Thinking he was joking. The vampire moved closer toward me and gripped my hands with his left hand and pinned me against the tree nearby. "Wai-- !" I flinched at the suddon movement and stayed still as possible. Lance grinned and started to pick my neck, Making me tremble slightly. He started to open his mouth and before I could even process what's going on, He bit into my neck making me gasp in pain. "S-Stop" I managed to say. "Mmm~" Lance started drinking my blood, Ignoring my words and enjoying the scent of victory. Without noticing, He started grinding against me while drinking the bloodx Eye lids closed. "Ah..~" I moan at the sudden touch, Confused as to how I feel atm, In pain or pleasure. Lance didn't realize what he was doing and kept going, Grinding against him and slowly tracing his hand underneath his shirt. "Mm..~" Keith chocked out as Lance was drinking more blood but also making friction between the two.

( Okaii, Would you like a part two?? Sorry this is short, I'm in a rush atm but I hope you enjoy and write down in the comments if u want a part two and if u have any requests you want in part two then let me know! Anywaysss, Once againnn I Hope you enjoyed, Baii!~ )

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