Chapter 16 ( Finding out a few things.. )

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( Okay so, I'm in a depressing mood rn @-@ So sorry, If this chapter seems really depressing for Keith's character and/or Pidge. >~< )

Lances POV

Lance was upset, He could've thought THE Lance would be upset? Nobody. At least not the other Paladins. But he wasn't upset due to family things..It was because he was confused. About well, Everything. He knew Keith's been acting different, And tbh he never noticed that till now. But he dtarted noticing a pattern the past few weeks, Every time Keith's down he wouldn't talk, Eat, Smile, And even train. He would stay in his room, All day, Everyday till he feels at least a little better. Then all he would do is say "Hey" or "Sup?" Then smile and walk away. Lance keeps wondering where his little Keefy goes, He's always with Pidge and they would go on the lion, Then leave for what seems like Eternity. Lance tried asking Pidge where they go and Why, But she wouldn't give a response except for "Sorry, Can't say, See ya!" Then leave..

Lances curiosity got the best of him as he pulled out his phone without noticing, He sighed and went to text Pidge.

"Hey Pidge, Where did you and My bby go this time???" - Lance

"Somewhere, Why? You worried??" - Pidge

"Pfft, Noo..Just curious.." - Lance

"Lance..Where texting and you still sound like youre lying -~- " - Pidge

"Fine, But I'm worried about Keef.." - Lance

"Aww, Cute! I ship it :3 Anywaysss..Yea, Me too, He's getting even more depressed.." - Pidge

"Depressed???.." - Lance

"Fuck, Ignore that! Damn Autocorrect! Haha..Ha.." - Pidge

"Pidge, Tell me -_- " - Lance

*Pidge doesnt respond*

"Damnit Pidge! Anwser meee.." Lance whined to himself, Sighing in confusion and utter sadness. Then he walked to the training center and got changed, He trained for maybe a few hours to relieve his emotions. He rubbed the sweat of his beading red Forehead, The room was burning hot. Which didnt help Lances sweating state at all, But he was pretty dehydrated so it didnt matter much.

Allura POV

She walked up to Lance, Who looked red as a tomato from all the heat and Training. "Hey, Lance, Maybe take a break?" She said, Questionably. "Youre right..Okay." He sweated. Allura handed him some trail mix, And a Gatorade bottle. He chugged it vigerously, Not evengasping for air. Alluras eyes widened. "Whoah, Whoah, Whoah, Slow down Sharpshooter!" She said. Lance said a simple "Okay" and shrugged lightly. "Lance, Are you alright? You're acting different." Allura sighed. "Different? How?" He continued. "You don't seem like yourself Lance, What's wrong?" She was worried, Even though she doesn't talk to him alot she's still worried of coarse. "Its just that, I'm worried about Keith...He seems really sad these past few weeks and I don't know why." He explained, He told Allura about all of it and how he feels about the whole situation. "Oh, Don't worry! Keith will be okay soon, He has you, He will be fine Lance!" Allura smiled fondly. Lance just nodded and took a deep breathe.

*A few hours past/ After Dinner*

Pidge POV

Keith was a total mess. She spoke to him all day, And he was definitely not okay..He was trying so hard to show no signs of sad emotions, But it's not easy..

"Keith.." Pidge said. "I'm sorry..I-I just feel so damn useless...The other Paladins would be happier without me anyways.." He spoke, Tears dripping down his red puffed out cheeks, Stopping at his chin. "That's not true, They would be upset if you were gone! Keith, You mean the world to all of us, Don't say something like that!" She blurted out, Worried. "Then I won't say nothing at all..Then nobody can stop me.." He sniffles and rubbed his puffy eyes. "No, That's not what I meant.." Pidge spoke. "Let's go...The others are gonna wonder where we are..." He switched the topic, Quickly. "Okay, Let's go.." Pidge nodded slowly.

*They both walked into the red lion, Flying back to the castle/ Around 10 pm now*

Keith POV

Pidge and Keith walked inside, Keith stayed walking behind Pidge. Shiro was the first to see them, He walked over and smiled, Hugging Pidge and Keith. "Hey guys!" He said happily. Pidge granted him with a huge smile and Keith just waved 'Hey' quietly. Then Hunk walked by and quickly came over to them, Giving them cookies since they missed dinner. "Thank Hunk!" Pidge said. "No problem Pidge" Hunk smiled. After they were done greeting the two they walked to the living room. But Pidge stayed with Keith, Standing by the door. "You gonna be okay, Champ?" Pidge said. "I don't know..Where's Lance? I wanna see Lance.." Keith sighed. "Aww..Well, Im not sure where Lance is--" Pidge was cut off by Lance walking by. "Never mind then" Pidge giggled, Trying to cheer the boy up. Lance saw Keith and for a moment it was just direct eye contact. "I'll give you to some space :3 " She said as she left to the living room. "Keith.." Lance said, Softly. Keith just stood there, Quiet. He didn't know what to do, He felt like crying. "..." Keith trembled, Holding in his tears. He wanted to talk to Lance about it but even if he tries to he's just gonna cry his eyes out. "aw...Its Okay Bby.." Lance gave a gentle smile. One that makes Keith's heart flutter every time he sees it. He walked over to Keith, Giving him the best hug in the universe. Keith was on his tippy toes at this point, And he hugged Lance back. Burying his pigmented red face in his neck.  "I-I love you so much Lance..." Keith whined. "I love you to, My little princess~" Lance grinned. He was about to let go of the shorter boy until he heard whines. "Don't let go..Let's hug for a little while l-longer please.." Keith trembled more, He wanted Lances comfort, Which Lance happily gave.

Lance POV

He slowly picked up Keith, Wrapping arms around the small boy. Keith wrapped his legs around Landing waist, And his hands around his neck gently. Lance softly kissed Keith's forehead and brought the boy to his room. He layed him down ever so gently and cuddled him close. Lance snuggled the boy into his chest and kept pecking his forehead with kisses. After a little while, Keith fell asleep in his arms. Lance smiled at the smaller boy, Hes so happy Keith's his and he hopes one day Keith will tell him what's wrong.

(I'm in a rush but I hope you guys enjoy!!! Comment, Request, And Suggest anything you want! I love you guysss, I Also hope you have a good Day/Night! See ya!~ ^~^ )

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