Chapter 24 (Cashier part 2)

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What makes you happy?..

Keith POV

That questioned circled through my mind as if a tornado was tearing apart a house, Piece by piece. I don't know..I don't frickin know what makes me happy!? Damnit, What time is it?

I looked at my phone, Seeing that it's been two whole hours I've been gone from the grocery store. And it looks like Pidge called me 57 times..I'm gonna get a huge lecture when I get back to the apartment.

It's still light out, Maybe she's still at the grocery store? I should probably go check. I don't know where to go though, I'm lost in an empty playground, At least there's no children here..

Maybe I shouldn't have thought that, I think I just jinxed it.

A small child, Around the age of 5 walked up to me, Where's her parents? And why's she walking towards me?

"Hello sir, My name is Rachel!" The small child smiled, Putting her hand out.

"Ah, Mines Keith.." I greeted her kindly, Giving a kind smile. Can she leave me alone please? I'm really not in the mood..

"I saw you being sad, Are you Okay Keef?" Rachel asked.

"It's Keith..And no, But it doesn't matter!" I looked away and sighed.

"Yes it does, Talk to me Keef. I can keep a secret!" She smiled really widely, Wow. Why's she so happy??

"Really? Well, Let's see here.." I started. "Well, I'm depressed, I can't find out what makes me happy, I have anxiety a lot, Oh and I want to kill myself!" I smiled, Fakily. But I smiled.

The girl looked kinda terrified at the last part, Out of a blink of a eye and she disappeared. I think I scared her off with my problems..At least she's gone, Right?

I walked through a few blocks, And I finally reached the grocery store. I saw Pidge in the parking lot yelling "Keith!" Really loudly. She looked at me and ran straight towards me, Embracing me in a big tight hug.

"Let go, I hate social interaction!" I yelped.

"No!! You scared me, I thought you were dead!" She screamed.

Dead? She thought I was Dead? And she cares? Nah, She wouldn't actually care if I were dead. I think?

"Sorry.." was all I could mumble out, And then Pidge was looking at some guy. Why? "Sir! Hello!!" She yelled, The guy looked at her and came towards us.

I quickly put my hood back on and looked down. I'm not gonna look at the dudes face, I only saw his hair. It was brown, Light brown. "Oh Hey Pidge, And Hey Uh" the dude said.

"His names Keith" Pidge stated.

"Ah, Hey Keith." The Guy was looking at me, I could feel his eyes ripping through my soul.

"Sorry he ran away earlier Lance" Pidge awkwardly laughed, Patting his shoulder. Lance? Oh, That cashier from earlier!

"It's quiet alright" Lance smiled. Then he looked towards me again. Ugh, I hate this, Can I run away?

I don't wanna be near people right now. I just wanna be by my nightstand with that comforting Knife that usually sits on my right hand...

"You know Keith.." Lance said, He was sighing. Hm? "..." I stayed quiet, Maybe he will ignore me then? I was wrong, He didn't.

He walked closer to me, Closing the gap in between us. To close. Oh no, What do I do!? He's to close!! He's past my comfort zone right now.

Stay strong Keith! Stay strong! I kept looking down, But then I felt something. Lance lifted my hoodie of my head and raised my chin up with his fingers. What the..!?

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