Chapter 30 (Popular kid part 3)

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Haha, I kinda shortened the title but yea, This is the Last part of 'The popular kid' chapters. This was also requested by a few people so enjoy!!

Also someone requested to see Keith's kinks so you will find out what it is in this chapter! And you'll see Lances other kink aswell!

Lance - Alpha
Keith - Omega
( Also, They're dating :3 )


I wanted to quickly say- Well type. That you guys really mean the world to me, You're my motivation to keep writing and try to improve as a writer. Also, I hope you guys are having a wonderful day! If not, Think about what you love. Let that be your motivation to get through the day, Day in and Day out. Okay I'll shut up now, Bye-


Keith POV

Lance and I were walking to his Dorm, It was around 12:45 pm so it was getting a bit to dark to be outside. I was feeling uneasy, My heat was starting.

I can tell that Lance sensed it, He was looking at me every few seconds. Thankfully the gang (Shiro, Pidge, etc.) weren't here or else that would've been awkward...

"Keith, Your scent...It's making me turned on.." Lance whisper yelled, It's quiet embarrassing sometimes, But most importantly dangerous.

The reason it's dangerous? Well that's because they're also other Alphas and Betas at the school and if they smell an Omegas scent when they're heats here...Let's just say it's not a good outcome.

Thankfully though, Lance is with me most of the time so I never feel scared. I love him so much it makes me wanna cry. Haha, Weird right?

Lance started inching closer to me as we were reaching our destination. He grabbed my wrist and starting walking at a fast pace, Getting his keys out and finally when we reached the dorm, Opening the door.

Walking inside we both took our shoes off as well as our clothing, Squirming our way to the bedroom. When we reached the bed, Lance went full force on me, Jumping on top of me and trapping my arms above my head.

My aura was getting stronger as my heat has arrived and Lance was starting to crave it, He didn't even have to ask me if I wanted to do this, We both just knew.

Lance started growling in a deep voice as he devoured my neck with kisses. He went on with that motion for a little bit, Trying to savor the moment.

A muffled moan was starting to escape my lips, My heat making my whole body feel like it was on fire.

"Mm, Keith your scent is getting stronger.." Lance hummed with a smirk, Starting to kiss my collarbone.

"Mhm..~" I hummed back, Impatiently waiting for him to hurry up and..Y'know, Fuck me.

He leaned closer, Cupping my member in his hands as he kissed my lips. In a low raspy whisper he began to breathe heavily, "Omega.." was all he could manage to say as he starting breathing in more of my scent.

I felt like I was about to go insane in pleasure, The feeling making me hungry for more. I started to become slick, The sticky substance trailing down Lances hand.

"You ready, Love?" He asked hoarsely.

"Yea..Hurry up, My heat.." I whined, Wanting to connect closer to his body in any way I could.

He gave a small nod overlapping a chuckle that escaped his lips once again. Is he making fun of my distress? I swear he's de- Okay, I would do the same thing if I was him. But still I need him right now.

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