Chapter 40 (Rachel!)

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Keith POV

"I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies!!" I sung to myself in the bathroom mirror.

I've just finished taking a shower and blow drying my hair. Sometimes Lance calls me 'Mop head' because I have longer hair then him.

Not my fault I have a luscious head of hair, he's just jealous. Yeah.

"Keith, open up! I gotta pee!" Lance knocked on the door.

"One moment," I smiled cheekily to myself in the mirror.

Opening the door, Lance ran in and pushed me out. He locked the door fairly quickly, seems like he really was in a rush.

I walked over to the kitchen when I heard a very beautiful voice, who was it?

"Only know you love her when you let her go..And you let her go~" Hunk sung while baking some cookies.

He didn't even notice I was watching him, he was so into the music.

"Staring at the bottom of your glass
Hoping one day you'll make a dream last..." I sung waking infront of him.

He smiled and continued singing along.

"But dreams come slow and they go so fast.." Hunk hummed, laughing a little.

"Hey I wanna sing too!" Pidge walked over to us.

"You see her when you close your eyes-" I hummed.

"Maybe one day you'll understand why!" Hunk said, Looking at Pidge.

"Ahem.. Everything you touch surely diEeSSs! ooHhOooOoh!" Pidge screamed.

"WHO DIED!? EVERYONE OKAY!?" Lance ran to the kitchen.

"Pfft, were fine.." Hunk tried to hold in his laughter.

"Then What was that awful sound?" He exclaimed.

"That was Pidge," Shiro said from the living room. When'd he get here!?

"I think I sounded rather beautiful, I might add." She said in a British accent.

"Stop copying Allura you twat," Lance smiled.

Pidge rolled her eyes, punching Lances' arm.

"Ow, Keith Pidge hit me!" Lance pouted.

"What do you want me to do about it? Kiss it better?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes." Lance said bluntly.

I walked over to Lance and kissed his arm. All I heard was a click noise.

"Huh? What was that noise, did you break your bone or something?" I said.

"No, but erm don't turn around." Lance pleaded.

So of coarse, I turned around.

Nobody tells Keith Kogane what to do! Nobody!

Pidge was holding a camera, it was facing right at me...

"Pidge," I inhaled, "Did you just take a picture of me?"

"Not any picture, a 'Keith actually has a heart' picture!" She smiled to herself.

"You-" I was ready to attack, but Lance hugged me from behind, not letting go.

"Let me go! I'm gonna kill you Pidge, you better delete that! Let me go, Lance!" I shuffled around.

"Not until you calm down," Lance said, hugging me tighter.

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