Chapter 34 (Old guy)

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(Someone asked if we ever get to see Coran, And you will soon but since I'm in the mood this chapter is dedicated to Coran! Enjoy! skskskssk Corans not that old but oh well. (He's around 600 years old, not bad right?)

Sorry for spelling errors!

He's a precious orange bean that we must protect! <3

Keith POV (as usual uwu)

I woke up, Well I was already awake since I don't sleep but that's not the point, I heard a noise in the distance and wanted to check it out.

I walked to the door and opened it slowly Since everyone else was still fast asleep. I went outside and saw a Ferrari in the driveway, There was an old man sitting in the front driver seat.

Oh wait, That old man is Coran- Oops.

"What in the name of Lays potato chips is going on here?" I asked.

"Nothing, Just cruising and living life till the end," Coran said.

"That car was probably expensive, " I stated.

"Who cares!" Coran laughed.

"I do, You're gonna die one day dude, " Lance said as he walked to the car.

He's awake? Since when!?

"I'm gonna die before him though, I promise you that!" I Smiled.

"But he's gonna be dead in less than a week!" Lance said.

"That's the point," I said.

"I swear if your depressed self says that again-" Lance ranted.

"WAIT A MINUTE! I'm not THAT old, " Coran huffed.

"But you're not that young either doofus, " Lance said.

"I'm leaving with my date!" Coran said as he started the engine of his Ferrari.

He then made a peace sign with his hand and drove away, Leaving us outside in the now dead silence.

"He's not that old, " I said.

"Mmk, If you say so." Lance rolled his eyes.

The rest of the day went smoothly, Except for the fact that Coran kept messaging Lance every 20 minutes to add another reason to his list of why he's not that old.

Honestly, Lance and I haven't really spent quality time with me, If you know what I mean.

But whatever, I don't really mind that much. But I still would love some cuddles...They make me feel safe, ya know?

I shrugged the feeling away and called Coran since he's spamming Lance unexplainable reasons now.

-on the phone-

What's wrong Keefy leafy? - Coran

Stop spamming Lance, Chlorine - Keith

I'm not Chlorine!! - Coran

-hangs up phone-

Chlorine seems really mad now, Guess it's time to hide!

I ran to Lance, my protection! My shield! Oh, and my love! Almost forgot that.

Coran opened the door and searched the room, when he saw me and Lance I could tell we were screwed, Well shit ain't that great.

"You're on your own!" I yelled as I ran for it, jumping down from the couch onto the stairs and racing out.

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