Chapter 22 (The teddy bear)

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( The setting is on earth, At Pidge's house. Anywaysss, Enjoy! )

Keith POV

Hunk thought of doing a little get together today, Which I soon complies with even though I'm not that social. Anyways, He thought of surprising Shiro and Allura with a prank since they've been such good help to the team. But of coarse, Why do only one prank?

And so, Lance and I decided to do a few pranks as well, Pidge already got her pranks ready. I don't know if I should be proud or scared. Halloween was coming up so why not do a few scares? Haha, It will get us all used to the October spirit!

I got out my phone, Ready to text Lance.

*On the Phone~*
"Hey Lance, Got the prank supplies?" - Keith

*No Answer*

*Closes Phone~*

I guess he's busy, I thought. Maybe I'll help Pidge with her pranks she's going to pull, Might as well. I walked over to Pidge's lab, Examining her experiment. "You're one to judge" She said sarcastically, Rolling her eyes.

"Hey! I'm just looking around, Why do you have such attitude today pidgeon?" I asked. She just looked at me blankly, Eyeing me through my soul. Scary, I thought. "Sorry, But Loverboy twat ruined my prank materials! What am I suppose to do now!?" She blabbered.

"Oh, What— How did he ruin your materials?" I asked hesitantly. She gave me the death-stare. You know how they say 'Curiosity killed the cat'? Well I think I'm the cat in this situation and Pidge is gonna kill me..

"He was playing some games on the game set I built him this morning and he happened to bump into my material table..The impact led the materials to fall and break on the floor." She looked calm, But I don't know if I can believe that she actually is.

"Oh.." I sighed. What should I do? She's gonna kill Lance if her materials aren't fixed..Wait! I have an idea! "Maybe we can team up? I'll share my materials with you and we could Uhm make the pranks together?" I questionably said.

"Keith you actually have a good idea for once, Nice job! Now, Let's get to work!" She said. "Thanks, Wait What!? My ideas are always good!—" I said matter -a- factly. And so it began, The making of some crazy pranks to pull!

*Meanwhile, At the store*

Lance POV

I kept searching, Where's the teddy bear!? Huh, Someone texted me?

*Checks phone~*

"Hey Lance, Got the prank supplies?" - Keith

Oh, Keith texted. Guess I should answer. "Ow!" Right when I was about to answer someone bumped into me. "Oh I'm so dearly sorry! Let me help you up!" The women said, She looked like she was around my age. Young.

She helped me up, Her hair covering her face neatly in a way. "It's alright miss" I smiled. She just stared at me, It was kinda creepy..She then smiled back, Pushing the hair away from her face and straightening her posture.

"W-Wait, Aren't You Lance!? The Lance!?" She said. Her eyes were big, As if surprised. It made me laugh. "Yea, I am Lance, Glad you noticed me." I laughed. "Can I take a picture with you? Please?" She begged. Keith might get suspicious..He might misunderstand. But, I can't say no, It'll make me sound rude..

"Yea, Sure!" I smiled once again. "Ah, Pardon the intrusion, But Let's use your phone sir! Mine is going to die soon." She was flustered and embarrassed, I nodded hesitantly and opened my phone....

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