Chapter 25 (Beach Day)

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Also Lance will be 20 And Keith is 19. And there dating.
Setting - Earth



Keith POV

Ah, What to do? Lance was out with Pidge shopping for some clothing and Hunk was busy watching that 'Gordan Ramsey' cooking show to perfect his skills. I would go talk to Shiro but he's busy playing twister with Allura, Which he basically always looses too.

Ugh, I hate that I have no life sometimes. Anyways, I guess I'll go for a walk. I grabbed the house keys, My wallet, And a water bottle before heading out. Well, That's when I, being the dumb person I am, realized it's really cold out.

But I'm to lazy to go back inside so I shrugged it off and walked alongside the sidewalk, Huming as I put my earbuds on to listen to some calming music. First, I listened to 'Savior' from 'Beowulf' since it helps me relax.

Isn't it strange how music helps you feel all sorts of emotions?

Music is so powerful, It surprises me sometimes. Heh, Well on another note— I'm still cold! I guess I'm going to have to bear with it though. This is what I get for being an idiot.

I walked to the nearest coffee shop and got myself a warm brewing drink. Ah, How I love coffee. It helps me stay sane since I don't sleep, Haven't slept for around two weeks and five days. Crazy, Ey?

I sipped my coffee and sat on a tall seat by the window of the coffee shop, Someone was sitting by it but I didn't seem to care much. I sat down and sighed, Looking out the window as the autumn breeze was filling the air.

Someone tapped my shoulder, And so I of coarse looked to see who it might be. Rachel. Rachel? Rachel!? I haven't seen her in a while.

"Hey Keef, Its been so long. Four months and thirteen days to be exact." Rachel stated matter -of- factly.

"You counted?" I was surprised, This child is creepy smart.

"Oh well, That doesn't matter! How've you been?" Her hands gestured in a hesitant but comforting way, And so I smiled.

"I've been fine, You?" I asked.

"Fine, But can ya do me a favo—" She sighed as some boy, Who looked like he was around my age approached. Who's he? The question trailed through my thoughts until I zoned out of it.

"Hey Rachel, Ya being a Angel?" The dude said, He was taller then me. And his voice was a bit deeper too.

"Shut up doofus," Rachel groaned. I couldn't help but laugh quietly, But it seems like they heard me because they both stared right at me.

"Who's this? Is he bothering ya'?" The dude asks, He gave me the most deadpan look in the history of deadpan looks that I've gotten. Whoah, He's scary. Uh, who is he though?

"No No Tyler, Thats Keef! He's my boyfriend!" She smiled happily and the dude, I guess his names Tyler, Looked at me angrily.

"Do you want me to beat you up!? What are you, Some predator!?" He grabbed my shirt from the collar and pulled it tightly. What do I do!?

"No! Let go, I'm her friend. She just thinks where dating!!" I yelped as he started raising his fist, Mentally not ready for the impact. But then my hero, Lance, Walked through the coffee shop doors. I'm not sure why he's here, He doesn't really like coffee, But I know that I'm happy to see him.

"Oh, I swear I'll—" Tyler gritted his teeth and I shakily tried to push his hands away from my shirt and my face.

"Keith!? What's going on!? Let go of him!" Lance ran towards us and pushed Tyler away from me, I let out a shaky sigh of relief before straightening my posture to speak.

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