Chapter 15

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Here we are in the mess hall the next day after me and Natsu's little excursion. I'm drinking a spiked strawberry milkshake with Natsu just giving me a look. What look may you be asking? Well, he's glaring at me. He and I have different definitions of speeding. His is going 10 or 20 miles over the speed limit. Mine is going full throttle. Let's just say, that if he didn't have fast reflexes, he would've been flying.

"I said I'm sorry," I whisper.

"I almost went FLYING Luce," he growls lowly.

"I did warn you before we got on the highway to hold on."

He rolls his eyes at me before returning to his glass of Brandy.

"Natsu, Makarov wants you in his office," a redhead calls out as she walks in.

"Got it," he says downing the last bit of his drink before walking out.

"What did you do?" Mira asks while wiping down the counter.

"On a scale from 1 to 10, how good are you at keeping secrets?"

"100, now spill," she smirks propping her head on her hand.

"Too many people Mira," I coo.

"Lis, take my place for a bit. I'm going on break," Mira calls out to Lisanna.

"On it, Sis."

Walking to me she grabs my hand. "Let's go to the training room."

She drags me all the way there and then gets into a fighting stance. "So, friendly sparring right? I still don't know how to use my powers."

"You've got my word," she nods.

We start our little match and every time we got close, we'd whisper a conversation.

"Natsu and I snuck out."

"Seriously?! How?" She whispers back to me. "The only way out is during missions."

"Let's just say that there is a secret passage. I won't say any more than that." I dodge a punch and attempt a headlock. "I don't need him any madder than he already is at me. I know he'll definitely get mad if he knew I told you any of this."

"True," she grunts. "I won't ask anything else if you just tell me why he is mad at you in the first place."

"We were on the motorcycle he owns," I say as she get's out of my headlock and putting me in her own. "On the way back here, I was the one driving and I went full throttle on the highway."

I elbow her in the gut causing her to lose her grip. "So, does that mean full speed?"

"Yup," I cough, gasping for air. "He almost went flying off."

"So he's mad cause he almost went flying? He could survive that no problem though," she states putting the match on hold for a drink.

"That and I kinda laughed about it," I chuckle nervously.

"That makes more sense," she sighs. "Alright, I think that is enough sparring for today. You almost gave me a run for my money," she laughs.

"We were pretty evenly matched," I agree. "I just wish I knew how to use my powers so we could've used them," I grumble looking at my hands.

"Have you tried to use them?"

"Yeah, but I don't know what I'm exactly looking for," I frown. "How the hell am I supposed to know if it's happening or not? The one time I did, I blacked out."

"You've used it before?"

"Yeah, but it was before I got the injections. I was fighting off a group of people who were trying to hurt my friend."

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