Chapter 27

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Time Skip: 2 weeks later

Lucy's P.O.V.

I went back to school 2 days after I woke up and haven't skipped since. It's so boring here in class and I just wanna go home and sleep.

With a groan, I get up from my seat as the bell rings for lunch and grab my stuff before turning to Natsu who fell asleep. "Get up, Natsu."

"Five more minutes," he grumbles as he turns his head. 

"Come on~. I'm hungry." With no reply, I sigh and poke his side gaining no reaction. What will get this idiot to get up? Looking down at him, I see his neck exposed and I smirk as an idea crosses my mind and decide to go for it. Looking around, I see the teacher isn't in the room and place my lips on Natsu's neck and suck gently. I hear him moan and I get up with a satisfied smirk and see my handy work. "You gonna get up now?"

He looks at me with an unreadable expression before he sighs. "You are playing a dangerous game, Luce."

"Maybe, but I've always loved danger," I smirk as I make my way out the room.

I hear footsteps behind me before Natsu wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Did you forget the conversation we had a couple weeks ago," he whispers. "My inner demon wants to hurt you."

"If he wanted to hurt me, he would've done so already," I say, rolling my eyes. "Plus, I already told you I don't think that you'll hurt me so stop worrying. Also," I look up at him with a smirk. "You might want to hide the back of your neck."

He looks confused for a second before his eyes widen and he slaps his free hand to where I gave a visible love bite. "You actually gave me a hickey?!" 

"Yup!" I smile. "Gotta do something so people in this school don't get too suspicious of our relationship."

"Oh? So that means I can do the same to you, right?" He smirks down at me and I just smile back. 

"Maybe. You'll have to catch me first." I ran out of his grip before he could process anything and head straight for the bleachers. "CLARE!" 

"Lucy?" She looks at me confused before she looks behind me. "What did you do now?" She sighs, putting out her cigarette.

I laugh as I hide behind her and whisper, "I gave Natsu a hickey."

She's silent for a moment before she just busts out laughing. "Seriously?!" She's laughing harder now as Natsu comes to a stop in front of us, confused. 

"Why is she-" He pauses for a second and covers his neck again. "You told her, did you?"

"Oh my gosh, you really did!" Clare says, continuing her laughing fit and gasping for air. "Y-your face! Oh, my gosh your face! You're as red as a tomato!" She cries as she points at his face. "This is too fucking good."

He gives a small glare and turns around to walk away as well as giving the perfect view of my handy work.

"Awe come on, Natsu. She's just messing with you," I laugh. "I'll be right back Clare." I run up to Natsu and there is no one around but us. "Hey, wait up!"

Without warning, he turns around and traps me between his body and the wall. "Caught you," he smirks.

I widen my eyes in shock, registering what just happened. "You.. you tricked me!"

"Maybe, but all's fair in love and war sweetheart." 

Before I can reply back, I hear the annoying voice of Annabelle Jackson. "I'm honestly doubting their relationship," I hear her say. "I've never seen them kiss. Honestly, they look more like friends than anything else."

"I know right!" One of her minions say. "Plus, I don't see what Natsu finds so interesting about her. She's a fake ass bitch anyways."

"Ugh, I swear they are a nuisance," I grumble as I hear their conversation continue.

"They really don't like you," he grins. "How about we shut them up for now?"

"And how do you suggest we do that?"

He just grins and lowers his head to mine and whispers, "Like this." 

His lips meet mine, catching me in surprise making me gasp but I realize his plan immediately and lace my fingers through his hair. I felt him smirk as he grabs my waist, pulling me closer.

"Yeah but seriously, there is no way they are da-" The voice cuts off and I can only assume they've seen us but I don't really care and it seems Natsu doesn't either as he continues to deepen the kiss. 

After another minute or so of our make out sess, we disconnect with a bridge of saliva between our lips. 

We turn our heads slightly and see Annabelle and her little crew looking at us shocked, their mouths gaped open. 

"You should close your mouths. You'll catch flies," I tell the group of girls as Nastu wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Bye girls." I wave as Natsu and I walk back to the bleachers. 

"That was eventful," he smirks down at me. "We should do that more often."

"Says the man who trying to convince me not to do anything remotely to that," I laugh. 

"I'll admit, I may have overreacted a bit."

"A bit?" I sigh as I look back up at him. "Natsu, I'm going to say this for the third time now. I know you wouldn't hurt me, so please stop saying you will."

He frowns but sighs while running a hand through his hair. "Fine."

Lucy, you'll need to let some power out today. 

Explains why I'm so tired again. 

Make sure you release your power. We don't need you passing out again. 

"Hey, Natsu. I'm feeling a little tired."

"Is it because," he trails off as I nod and he takes out his phone. "We get out of school in 2 hours. I texted Mira and let her know we'll be coming over for a bit. We'll go home right after."

"Thanks, Natsu." 

Time Skip: After School

As we get on Natsu's bike, I see Clare's car roll up beside us. 

"Lucy, wanna go out this weekend?"

"Su-" I stop midway and look at Natsu. "I can still go right?"

"I'm not gonna stop you," he says. "Just know I want in too."

"Alright, nice! We're gonna go to Roxy's in downtown."

"That's the one we went to before summer was over right?"

"Yup! See you guys Saturday."

"Let's go, I don't feel like passing out again."


Hey guys! Hope you're having an amazing day!


Word Count: 1119

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