Chapter 34

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I pause in shock as I process what Leo just told me.

What? But... that doesn't make any sense! His last name is Castello, not Wilde!

He must have changed his last name when he was with Clarissa's mother. But that man in the picture and Clare's father are the same exact person. That or this guy has a nicer twin brother who isn't a drug lord.

This is bad. Really really bad Leo. If what you say is true, then I could possibly compromise the mission! Luis has seen me before. Clare talks to him at least twice a week via video call and I'm usually there when she does!

I feel my entire body go rigid as Mira comes up to me with a look of worry. "Lucy? Is everything alright?" She hands me my milkshake as I shake my head.

"I don't think so, Mira." I grab my shake and tug on Natsu's shirt. "We need to talk."

He looks down at me and immediately sees something is wrong. "Let's go to my room." We exit the room in a rush as my mind continues to think that maybe Leo is wrong but he conjured an image from a few weeks ago before Clare and I went to the club. Her father was on the phone as we were about to get ready. Same face and everything.

He was rarely ever home after we turned 9 and blamed it on business. Oh, god. I can't kill Clare's dad!

A small amount of panic sets in as Natsu closes he door to his room and grabs my drink. "Luce, tell me what's wrong."

"It's Clare's dad, Natsu. The mission we're on and the person who is behind all these murders is Clare's dad!" I start to panic more making me light-headed. "I... I can't kill my best friends dad, Natsu! She loves him to pieces. If he dies, she will be devastated! Not to mention when she finds out it was us... ME who did it!"

Natsu's P.O.V.

I've never seen Lucy like this. 

"Lucy, look at me," I say gently.

"Natsu... I- I can't do it! And he knows what I look like! Not to mention he's known me since I was a baby!"


She grabs her head and begins to ramble making the worry set in deeper as she sways on her feet.

"Baby, look at me," I growl lowly making her snap her teary eyes towards me. Sighing, I bring her close to my chest and rub her back to calm her down. "Now, listen. I'll ask Makarov to give us a different mission. Ok?"

"But just the thought of knowing, I-"

"Luce, I know but we can't fight the government," I whisper. "If they say we have to kill someone, then we do it. We have no say in the matter."

"I don't think Clare or Mrs. Wilde knows that he does this," she whispers. 

Kissing the top of her head, I pull away and sit her down on the bed. "Drink your shake while I talk to Gramps. You can sleep a while if you want, too."

She nods silently as I kiss her head once more before walking out to the room and heading straight for Gramps' office.

"Natsu," he says in surprise as I enter without knocking. "What's the matter, boy? You don't usually enter so abruptly."

"We have a problem, Gramps," I sigh as I plop down into a seat.


"Luis Castello is also Luis Wilde. Lucy's best friends father."

"What?!" He runs to his desks and starts making a phone call. "Warrod, I need you to check something for me. Luis Castello. Has he ever been off the grid?" He was quiet for a good 10-15 minutes before his face fell and blanches completely. "Thank you. Bye."

"Let me guess. He couldn't be traced a few years before and after Lucy was born."

He nods his head and sighs. "And I'm guessing the problem has something to do with Lucy."

I nod my head as another sigh escapes my lips. "She is stressing about it. Clare's father knows what Lucy looks like and has also known Lucy since birth. She damn neared hyperventilated before I came here." I run a hand through my hair. "Not only that, Clare is asking too many questions."

"Her knowing anything is dangerous, Natsu," Makarov warned. 

"If she decides to investigate on her own, it could put her life in danger too," I growl. "Luce would go on a rampage for that girl, Gramps. If she dies, hell will rise. And if she gets upset so does he."

Knowing exactly what I'm talking about, he thinks about something while being conflicted. 

"If we tell her, she would have to be under strict supervision along with whoever she lives with," he sighs. "It's already bad enough that I have 4 others going out to school with you and Lucy already doing so. Now I have to find a trusted group to keep an eye on this girl."


"I'm sending Gajeel with Juvia and Gray with Levy."

"Why not send the girls with just one of them?" I ask confused.

"Gajeel wasn't originally going to leave but he said something about not being away from 'shrimp'?" He questioned. "Anyway, I assigned them each to a person. Gajeel and Juvia are step-siblings while Gray and Levy are cousins."

"That's their cover?"

"Well, it sure as hell better than yours," he chuckles. 

"Well, it's not so much a cover anymore," I mumble quietly.

"You're actually in a relationship with Miss Heartfilia?" He asks surprised.

I nod my head and smirk. "Yup."

"Don't let that cloud your judgment when it comes to decision making in the future, Natsu. It could possibly end the lives of everyone in this facility."

"I know Gramps. But back to the situation at hand. What are we going to do about this mission?"

"If you can figure out a way to make Louis turn himself in willingly, then you have a chance of saving his life. He would get life in prison for 1st-degree murder but at least he will live while we can promise to let his kid see him if she wishes to do so after knowing everything."

"There's no way of switching Luce out of it?"

He shakes his head in sympathy. "The government wants that as her first mission. I wasn't even supposed to give her anyone to help but I was able to convince them with she is still learning to use her powers."

I let out a frustrated sigh and drag my hand over my face. "Alright. I know how those bastards work by now. Should've known they wouldn't even consider it."

"I tried to fight it before I even assigned you two to it. Having to kill someone is something she shouldn't have to do as her first mission."

"I know, Gramps. I'm gonna leave. I need to check on Luce."

I exit and head back to my room to see Luce sleeping. I smile and lock my door before jumping into bed with her, pulling her close. 

"Natsu," she mumbles as she turns around and cuddles into me. 

I look down and see her still sleeping but even unconscious she knew it was me. 



Here's is Chapter 34! 

Hope you all enjoyed and I would also like to apologize. A lot has happened in the past few weeks and it has kept me from writing. 

Have a great day loves!


Word Count: 1263

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