Chapter 33

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"What does that mean?"

"It's not something that is easy to explain," she frowns. "Do your powers have something to do with the stars?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Natsu, she's like you, isn't she?" Cana stares at Natsu with a serious face, catching him slightly off guard. "She has another being communicating with her, doesn't she?"

"Well, I have like 12 or 13-"

There are more than 12 or 13 of us Lucy. We zodiacs give you power but there are other constellations that can as well. Some aren't as powerful while others are very close in power to us. Then there is the King. He is the most powerful one of all. 

And you're only now telling me this?! What the hell, Leo! I didn't know I could be classified as a fucking person who can be sent to a mental asylum!

I'm sorry. I didn't know it would be relevant.

Of course, it's relevant! You guys are in my fucking head! I let out a heavy sigh as Cana and Makarov are looking at me concerned while Natsu had a look of understanding. How many?

Of us? Too many to count. Just sum it up by saying all the constellations. 

Very helpful. I roll my eyes before looking back at the people in front of me. "According to Leo, I have all the constellations but can only hear him and the other 12 or 13 at the moment."

That caught Natsu's attention since his eyes almost popped out of his head. 

"You have every single constellation?! No wonder it says you're the fucking stars!" Cana gets up and fans herself. "I need a drink."

"You ain't the only one," I mumble. "I'm just finding out about this now."

"Well then, to the mess hall. I had to stay sober for this according to Makarov and my body is calling for a nice bottle of Whiskey."

"I still have to give them the mission Cana," Makarov sighs, shaking his head.

"I'll meet ya in the mess hall when you're done, then," she shrugs as she pushes her body off the seat. "See ya in a bit."

As she exits the room, the old man motions us to sit in the chairs in front of his desk. 

"Natsu, do you remember the CIA case I showed you last year?"

"About the Colombian drug lord?"

"That's the one," Makarov sighs. "I need you and Lucy to set up a meeting with him. New evidence has confirmed that he and his men have slaughtered entire families since last year," he says grimly. "The only reason he hasn't gotten caught is that he kills all his witnesses and has some of the best lawyers helping him."

"So this is more of a stakeout before getting into the bloody stuff," I state as I grab a lollipop off his desk. 


"When do we start?" Natsu asks as Makarov hands over a thick file. 

"You two have 2 weeks worth of vacation next month. It will start then. I would start you sooner but Luis knows that agents are sniffing around and you two showing up suddenly would be too suspicious. Train until I give you the ok to start getting ready for the mission with the date."

I look over Natsu's shoulder looking at the photo of a man named Luis Castello. And honestly, he looked really familiar. I brush it off and look at the old man with a smirk. 

"So, we done? I'm hungry."

"Yes, yes. You may go," Makarov laughs as I get up.

"Cool. See ya, old man!"

I wave as I head out the door. I think back to the picture of the middle-aged man trying to figure out where I've seen him before. I sorta want to forget about but it just keeps popping into my head. 

Can y'all go through my memory by any chance?

It's possible but we haven't done anything like this in thousands of years.

That man, Luis. He looks very familiar but I can't remember from where. If you can shift through my memories and find out why that would be awesome.

We can try but there is no guarantee that it would work. We are out of practice.

You trying is enough for me.

Alright. We'll try.

Thanks, Leo.

"You ok, Luce?" I look up at Natsu to see him looking at me in concern. 

"I'm fine. That guy in the file though, Luis, looked familiar. I'm just trying to remember where I've seen him before."

"Really? But there is no evidence of him ever being in Redwood." 

"Maybe but for all you know, they could've missed that little detail," I mumble as he nods in understanding.

"Let's just get to the mess hall and eat. We'll figure it out later."

As we enter Wendy runs up to me. "Lucy!"

"Hey, Wendy," I laugh, hugging the girl. "How's it goin'?"

"I learned how to heal! Natsu was right!" She turns to him and hugs him too catching him off guard making people around him gasp. "Thank you, Natsu! If I didn't know, it would have taken ages to figure out I can do that."

He pats her on the head, giving a small smile making a few people gasp even louder. "That's great Wendy. Keep up the good work."

"Ok," she beams running off to some boy who looks to be her age, maybe even a year or two older.

"Yo, Lucy," Juvia waves with a cup in her hand. "Come drink with me and Levs. We're celebrating."

"You're actually happy about going to school?" I laugh as Mira hands me a shot of tequila.

"I didn't get to finish my senior year," she shrugs. "Plus, I promised my mom that I'll get my diploma."

"Well, then cheers to you two coming to school," I laugh. "It will definitely be fun to have more of you guys around."

We take a few shots before I sit down and ask for a shake and some food too.

Lucy, about the man you asked about...

Did you find something Leo?


Well? What did you find?

Lucy... That's Clarissa's father.


Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating sooner. I was on vacation spending time with family.

Also, I would like to announce that I've entered Penitentiary into the Watty's! Thank you to those of you who have read this far along and have been giving me positive feedback on my story. I would also like to thank the person/ people who nominated me at the beginning. It really does make me happy to know that you all are enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it. 

All of you are truly amazing people. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of you. 

Again, thank you so much!


Word Count: 1140

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