Chapter 18

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It's almost lunchtime and Natsu has been in every single one of my classes. And you wanna know what else? He has sat next to me in every single one of my classes. Now, here we are in English and Mr. Howley comes up to me. 

"How are you, Miss Heartfilia?"

"I'm fine, Mr. Howley. Thank you."

"That's good. Now, I know you weren't here so, I'm giving you an extra 2 weeks to finish the Crucible and write your responsive essay on it."

"Oh! Actually, when I got back home I finished reading the book and wrote the essay so I wouldn't be behind. Well, at least for this class," I laugh sheepishly. I grab my English folder and grab my essay handing it to him. "It's a rough draft but it's something to turn in at least for today," I smile.

"Wow! Thank you, Miss Heartfilia," he smiles. "And as for you Mr. Dragneel, you won't be needing to do this since you were not here for the reading portion. What I want you to do is read the short story on page 426 and write a small 1-2 paragraph essay on you're thoughts on it."

"Got it, Mr. Howley," Natsu says with disinterest.

Mr. Howley leaves to the front of the class and starts to correct my paper while Natsu just sits there.

"Are you even gonna do what he told you," I laugh silently while he just smirks. 

"I'm thinking about it."

I roll my eyes and feel my phone buzz.

C: Let's go clubbing this weekend!

L: Fuck yeah! I haven't partied since the senior bonfire at the beginning of the year!

C: I know, that's why I'm suggesting we go clubbing! There's this new one too!

L: What's the name?

C: Devil's Orchid. Just opened last week.

L: Sounds fun! No telling Natsu though!

C: Of course! We don't need no man taking our fun away!

L: Right, now I need to go before Natsu reads my text!

Putting my phone away, I see Natsu actually attempting to do the work.

"I don't like this short story," he grumbles.

Looking over his shoulder, I read the title. "Story of the Hour," I mumble. "Did you read the whole thing?"


"Then write your thought's of why she died."

"Well she obviously didn't want her husband to be alive," he mumbles.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because she felt free because she thought he was dead which meant that the man wasn't controlling her anymore."

I smile and sit back down. "You just summarized what your paragraph could be about. Just write something along those lines and hand it in."

He started writing and within 10 minutes he wrote a paragraph. A long one too.

"Man, I hate school," he sighs. 

I giggle quietly as he gets up and turns in his paper.

We just talked silently for the rest of class until the bell rang for lunch.

"Finally, food," Natsu groans rubbing his tummy.

"I hope you brought food," I laugh. "The food here is garbage."

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