Chapter 36

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"Dad is back!" Clarissa cheers. 

"It's so good to see you again Mr.Wilde," I smile as I panic inside.

"And who's this young man?" He looks at Natsu with a warm smile.

"Natsu, meet Mr.Wilde. Mr.Wilde, meet my boyfriend Natsu." 

I felt like passing out. He was here and looking at him now, knowing who he is and what he does... I feel my heart pound in my chest as I keep a smile on my face, not showing my worry.

"Nice to meet you, young man. Hope you're treating our Lucy well?" Mr. Wilde asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, sir," Natsu smiles. "Would only ever treat her like the queen she is."

I felt my face heat up as Mr. Wilde chuckles. "I like you, boy."

"Food's ready everyone!" 

Clare and I look at each other and smirk. "FOOD!"

As we race to the dining table I hear Natsu chuckle. "Yo, Luce. Wait up."

Throughout the night, I act as if nothing's wrong and that the man in front of me isn't the man I saw in the photos. It was hard. Natsu kept on squeezing my hand under the table to calm me down whenever he heard my breathing pick up.

"We're gonna head out," I smile. "I'm getting kinda tired."

"We usually do after eating mom's food," Clare yawns. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, right?"

"Of course," I smile. "Bye, Mr. and Mrs. Wilde! See you tomorrow Clare." 

I hug her and wave to the two adults before heading to the car with Natsu. When I sit down, I lean my head back and sigh.

"Why? Why out of all the times to come back, he chooses fucking now?!" 

"Lucy," Natsu grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "Calm down. This may make everything easier or harder for us. Let's hope it's the first."

"Ok," I sigh. "But his timing really did fuck with me," I grumble.

"I know. I'll call Gramps when we get home and tell him what's going on."

Removing his hand, he starts the car and speeds off to our house, music blasting, keeping my thoughts from running rampant.

If there is a God, then he hates me...

Time Skip

Natsu's P.O.V.

Lucy is sleeping upstairs as a knock is heard at our door. When I answer it, I see the one man who could help.

"Hey, Gramps."

"What's the matter with you boy?" He asks in concern. "And where's Lucy?"

"Sleeping," I mumble. "Come sit down," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I don't know whether this information I'm about to give you could help or kill me and possibly Luce."

"What do you mean?" He frowns as he sits on the couch.

"Luis Castello is here," I state, grimly. 

"WHAT?!" He hisses loudly. "How did he get past our radar so easily?!"

"I don't know," I mumble. "All I do know is that this whole thing is making Luce distraught."

"I bet it is," he sighs. 

"Like I said before. This could either help or kill us."

"Let's hope it helps," Makarov grumbles. "Did he know he was being tracked? Is that why he came back here?"

"There are too many possibilities," I sigh. "We just have to figure out how we can do this without killing him. Luce would do it no problem... if it wasn't Clare's father."

"I'll figure out something," he sighs, running a hand over his face. "Those idiots should know never to assign a mission to someone with a connection to a target." 

"You said the keyword, Gramps. Idiots."

"Yeah, yeah, smartass," he smirks. "I'm going to head back to HQ and find a way to save Mr. Castello's life. If I can't, well, let's hope he surrenders." He gets up and heads towards the door. "I'll be back in a few days." 

"See you then."

I was surrounded by silence for a while before I heard footsteps pat against the wooden floors. 


I didn't get a reply but a few seconds later, she comes into view and curls up into my lap. Pushing her golden strands of hair away from her face, I see her eyes were red and puffy. 

"I don't like it when you're upset," I whisper, cupping her face.

"Why are people who are in power assholes?" She mumbles, leaning into my hand.

"I don't know," I whisper. "But not all people in power are assholes."

"I guess," she sighs. "I... I just wish they would give me another mission."

"I know." I pull her close and kiss her forehead. "It also doesn't help that our government is corrupt either. You'd be surprised at how many hits we had to do on innocent people. All because those jackasses want to stay in power and those innocents didn't like them." I shake my head in anger.

"So we're all doing their evil bidding so they don't get their hands dirty?" she growls quietly. "This... this is so FUCKED!" The grasp she had on my shirt was tight. 

I hum in agreement and just hold her. "And we can't do anything. If you or I tried anything, everyone in the penitentiary would get killed. But before that, they'd have to watch their loved ones die in front of them."

"So it's pointless if we tried anything," she whispers. 

"Depends," I shrug. "If we had everyone in on this, then maybe it could work. But if we actually manage to get everyone in our facility, they would ask one of the other ones in the world to go after us. We would need to have a full out agreement from each facility."

She stood silent, so silent, you could hear the buzzing of the fridge. "Natsu." Luce looks up with the most fierce look I've ever seen on her. "Let's overthrow the government."

I finally finished this fucking CHAPTER!

And... You guy are either gonna be really happy about the next chapter or... well... You'll find out.

Have a great day, loves! 

Word Count: 1006

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