Chapter 35

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I feel a hand run through my hair as I slowly start to wake up. Opening my eyes, my vision is blurry from sleep but I can clearly see the salmon-colored hair of Natsu.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he mumbles, kissing my temple. 

"Hey," I yawn. "How long did I sleep for?"

"For a pretty long time," he chuckles. "It's gonna be time for dinner in another hour or so."

"Fuck," I groan. 

"Don't stress too much. You needed to rest after that."

"Yeah, I guess," I sigh. "So what did Makarov say?"

"He tried convincing them to give you a different mission even before giving it to you but they said no. He even told me I wasn't supposed to be on the mission with you," he tells me with a frown on his face. "The only reason I'm on this mission is because Gramps mentioned something about your powers."

"Stupid fucking government," I grumble. "Well, at least you're with me."

He pulls me on top of him as I lay on his chest. "Probably the best thing out of the whole thing."

"It definitely is," I sigh. "But after this whole recon how the hell are we supposed to kill him? Natsu, I meant what I said," I say in worry. "I don't think I can kill him."

"Gramps said something about having him turn himself in," Natsu mumbles. "But how are we supposed to convince him of that without exposing ourselves? That's asking for the impossible to happen."

"Maybe we can find a way," I say. 

"Maybe but one step at a time, Luce. We'll figure out everything when the time comes."

"Ok." I stay silent for a while just listening to the calming pulse of his heart. 

I don't know how long we stood like that but after a while, a knock was heard at the door.

Natsu lets out a low growl and his eyes flash red. "It's ok. I'll get it," I whisper kissing him, calming him down. As I get up from the bed and near the door, something stops me. 

Something isn't right.

Use us! Use us! I hear Gemini chirp.

How can I use your power?

Think up an image of yourself and say our name!

Confused, I close my eyes and do as they say, thinking of what I look right now. "Gemini."

"What the fuck," Natsu gasps. 

Opening my eyes, I see an exact replica of me. "Holy shit, that is cool," I whisper to myself.

The knock is heard again, but even rougher. "We will answer. If we get hurt we will disappear back into your subconscious."

I hide from view and watch Gemini open the door. "Yes?"

"Where's Natsu?" 

I see Natsu pretending to sleep and send a message to Gemini to say he is sleeping. "He's sleeping? See?" 

Moving slightly to the side, I see the girl who I've told off look at Natsu. "So he is." Before I knew it, Gemini was on the floor with a knife in their stomach. "That was way easier than I thought," the girl scoffs.

"You are an idiot," Gemini laughs using their real voice, scaring the girl.

"What the hell?!"

"You're not wrong Gemini," I laugh, coming out of my hiding spot. "Did you seriously think it would be that easy to get rid of me," I glare as Natsu gets out of his pretend slumber.

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