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"Doctor Scott, the patient is waking up."

"Thank you, Rachel. Would you please get her a cup of water? After two weeks of sleeping I think it's safe to assume she will be thirsty."

I heard someone leave the room, and I tried to open my eyes. After a few tries I realized that wasn't going to happen right now, so I tried moving my fingers.

I slightly panicked when I tried to move the fingers on my left hand and couldn't, so I moved to my right. Everything was intact there, but a little stiff. Maybe my toes might help me wake up.

I was able to wiggle my right toes, but nothing on my left side was working. Maybe it's in a cast? I'm telling myself a lot of maybes today. But if it was in a cast I should be able to feel that it's there. I feel nothing.

I tried to move my left hand over to feel what was going on with my leg, but I just couldn't move it that much. I should just try again with my eyes then. Why is it so cold? I felt a shiver go down my spine and I tried to focus on that to help me open my eyes.

When I finally did get my eyes open, I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes staring back at me. His dark hair was the same shade as his eyes and his tan skin told me that he must be of a Spanish descent, or something like that.

I continued to look at him while I tried to sit up, but a burning pain in my side kept me from doing so. The man quickly saw my pain and what I was trying to do and gently pushed me back into the bed.

Once I was back down, he pushed a button on the side of my bed to lift me a bit more upright and I thanked him.

In my new position, I was finally able to see what was going on with my left leg and hand. What I saw was not what I was expecting at all. My pinky and ring fingers along with a bit more of my hand were gone and the whole hand was bandaged up so I couldn't move it. And everything from slightly above my knee was gone from my leg. I started to panic and reached up to touch my face with my good hand to make sure everything was alright up there, but the doctor quickly stopped me and put my hand down onto the bed.

I tried to talk to release some of my panic and have my questions answered, but my throat was so dry I couldn't speak. That's when I noticed all of the tubes that were protruding from me that led to an equal amount of machines.

Right on time, Rachel came back into the room and handed me a paper cup full of water. Once that was all gone, I started to ask my questions, but the doctor stopped me.

"Why don't I just explain what happened and then you can ask your questions, okay?" I nodded and he turned to the clipboard that was on his lap.

"Let's see, you were brought to the emergency room after surviving an car explosion. The blast caused you to lose most of your left hand, leg, and your left ear. The fire left you with second degree burns on the majority of the left side of your torso. There isn't enough non-burnt skin on you to make skin grafts, so we'll just have to hope that you will heal fully. We've put you into an intense care unit for the past two weeks and no one has seen you so we have no idea who you are. So why don't you tell us your name so we can try and find someone."

"I don't remember a-anything." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair, causing it to stick up in patches.

"You don't remember anything? As in absolutely nothing? Think really hard because the smallest thing is something." I tried really hard to remember anything. Anything. But I couldn't remember. I shook my head as soon as my mind started to hurt.

The doctor sighed, but I knew it was in pity, not frustration. He lightly patted my good hand and Rachel sent me her own sympathetic glance.

It's all gone now. I'm alone.

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