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It took quite a while for me to get used to, well, everything. Luckily, time was all I had now. It's already been a whole week since I woke up.

I looked at the clock across the wall from my bed and sighed. Rachel should have been here half an hour ago to bring me lunch and I am starving. I'm also starting to feel my burns and cuts since the pain killers are wearing off.

I groaned and shifted around to try and get more comfortable, which caused me to be in more pain. I eventually gave up and stared at the clock since that was the only thing to do. Somehow, I subconsciously slipped back into the game I was playing with the clock and I never noticed that Rachel had come in with her usual tray of food.

"Sorry I'm so late Doe, I got held up in the meeting I was in." I smiled slightly at my new name while she set up the tray beside my bed. I figured since everything and everyone that I cared about was gone, why should my name get to stay? Not that I remembered it anyways. So after Rachel and Doctor Scott calling me John Doe for a while, I just told them to drop the John part.

I watched Rachel set up the tray and pour me a glass of water from the pitcher in the room. Her shoulder length, dyed red hair was in its usual ponytail and her square glasses slipped off her nose a bit.

"So, what's for lunch today?" She smiled as she looked down at what she brought.

"Chicken noodle soup and a biscuit." I nodded and she kicked up the sides of the tray so it could stand around me without touching my bandages and she placed it on the bed.

I gingerly picked up the spoon to avoid hitting some of the cuts on my right hand, and started to eat. Rachel stood off to the side and checked the numerous monitors around me.

Once I was done she took away the tray and started the tedious job of cleaning and re-bandaging my burns. She kept her head down like always and I hissed when she started to clean my burns.

"One last thing before I go. Would you like a room with a TV?" I nodded my head and smiled. "Perfect. I'll go talk to Doctor Scott and then we can move you over there since the last patient who was in there got released." I thanked her and she quickly left the room with the empty lunch tray in her hands.


It wasn't long until Rachel reappeared with Doctor Scott trailing behind her. They both got to work on unhooking me from machines so I could be moved out of the room. I started to get excited and wiggled around a bit, but quickly stopped when I felt the pain.

Once they were finished, they both pushed me out of the room and parked me in the hallway. How did I not know this bed could move? I watched as they both then moved another bed from the hallway into the room I was just in, and park it in the same spot. That must be from the other room.

The two of them then came out of the room, shut the door, and pushed me down the hallway. I tried to ignore the looks the staff were giving me, but it was kind of hard since they were everywhere.

I was soon in my new hospital room and parked in front of the TV. Rachel handed me the remote and taught me how to pull up YouTube and Netflix while Doctor Scott hooked me back up to some machines.

"This should be more entertaining for you than looking at the clock, but if you ever want to continue the little game you had, there's a clock over there." I smiled at Doctor Scott's joking and he left the room. Rachel sat down in a chair near my bed and I pulled up YouTube. Since I'm pretty sure she's my personal nurse, Rachel got to stay with me and hangout all the time.

"Any requests before I put something on?" I looked over at her, but her focus was on the TV.

"Just put on whatever you want." I nodded and pulled up YouTube trying to figure out what to watch since I don't remember what I used to watch.

After five minutes of struggling to find something, I finally just picked something that looked somewhat interesting in the recommended. Turns out I was watching some Korean guys derp around. I didn't mind because it was entertaining. Eventually, I just kept watching them without stopping, slowly learning their names and faces.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Rachel smile at my new interest.

"Man, are you going to love the news I have for you."

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